dick seiders

Well Known Member
2904 step 5. F1202B panel base/longeron parallel alignment requirement. Have par.align. on rt side longeron, but off at rear about 3/16" on left side. Can pull longeron out to fit, but takes enough effort that it will move back to the 3/16" when released. Question is do I force it to align and attach under stress, or shave the panel edge to conform to the longeron, or do half of both? Has anyone out there had this issue? Appreciate the feedback.
2904 step 5. F1202B panel base/longeron parallel alignment requirement. Have par.align. on rt side longeron, but off at rear about 3/16" on left side. Can pull longeron out to fit, but takes enough effort that it will move back to the 3/16" when released. Question is do I force it to align and attach under stress, or shave the panel edge to conform to the longeron, or do half of both? Has anyone out there had this issue? Appreciate the feedback.

If you do not make parts fit within the dimensions as parts are supplied, their is a good chance another parts wont fit correctly later. Such as the instrument panel, fwd top skin, etc.
I would adjust the shape of the longeron(s) until everything fits properly.
Brace with 2x2

Dick, I used a 2x2 from the packing crate to hold the longeron in position while riveting. Put blocks of wood between the 2x2 and the cockpit structure to protect against denting anything. The 2x2 should go from the lower right side of the cockpit up to the longeron on the left side. As long as you bend the parts into proper orientation by hand without using any type of mechanical advantage, I do not think that you are over stressing anything.
Thanks Scott, and Joe. I knew I had to bend the thing, but was concerned about damage so needed someone to say go ahead and do it. Did the deed using a similar idea with wood only I used a hyd. jack and 2x4's. I pushed out the long. about 9/16" beyond parallel and relaxed it 4-5 x's. This resulted in a reduction of mis-alignment of about .050" on each side. At that point I simply pulled the long. into position by hand , clamped and drilled. I think it's fine. Thanks for the input.
Longeron/panel base alignment correction on .050"

Thanks Scott, and Joe. I knew I had to bend the thing, but was concerned about damage so needed someone to say go ahead and do it. Did the deed using a similar idea with wood only I used a hyd. jack and 2x4's. I pushed out the long. about 9/16" beyond parallel and relaxed it 4-5 x's. This resulted in a reduction of mis-alignment TO about .050" on each side. At that point I simply pulled the long. into position by hand , clamped and drilled. I think it's fine. Thanks for the input.