YellowJacket RV9

Well Known Member
Well, despite my best efforts, and spending an hour looking at the plans before doing anything, I managed to make a mistake on my longeron. Fortunately I was doing one at a time so only screwed up the right one (so far).

In essence, the F721 rear canopy deck is supposed to be place at 28.25" back, and drilled to the longeron from there. What I did was place the rear canopy deck back where the curve starts, about 10" aft, and start drilling. Fortunately, I did not drill all the holes yet. I re-bent the longeron properly, as I had originally done it using the mis-placed 721 as a guide.

Now, I can move the 721 deck to its proper position, and re-drill, and it looks like there may not even be any edge distance issues with the current holes, but I also have some holes that extend back beyond where the deck ends.

I will contact Vans on this on Monday, but am thinking maybe somebody else out there made this mistake too and has some input?? I have several possible ideas:

-If I don't feel comfortable with repair, I can probably find a local source and buy a new one
-Leave the holes and drill new ones
-Countersink the wrong holes, and fill with a rivet, perhaps to a doubler underneath

My main concern is if a few holes end up too close to the old holes, as well as if the holes I drilled aft of the canopy deck will cause me problems later. A couple pictures, with the blue dots showing where the new holes should be. Thanks in advance for any ideas!


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Build on

As long as you have adaquate distance between the new holes you will rivet and the misplaced holes that will remain unused, build on. As for the holes that are aft of the canopy deck pcs I suggest countersinking the top and riveting with a length of rivet that when set will be flush on the bottom. It's just cosmetic and will not affect the structure. I am sure Van's will tell you the same.
Thanks frank, that is reassuring. I found just one hole with a slight edge distance issue (about 1/8 rather than 3/16). I suppose one option there would be to just move the new hole over slightly.

I actually consulted with a few local experts who all agreed I should build on.
Took care to deburr the holes and made sure no edge distance issues. Lesson learned for my next RV ;)
I made the same mistake. Once moving F721 back where it belonged I was not happy with the extra holes. The longeron is one of the most structural pieces on the plane. I found a metal supplier in Orlando that had the longeron in stock for $15. I remade the piece.
Thanks Mark,
Do you remember the name of the supplier? I won't be installing them for a while so have time to remake. Wouldn't be the first or last replacement part.

It was Alro Steel. I looked and they have an outlet in Clearwater.
And you will want to use the the Retail outlet not the regular shop.
If I remember the Van's piece is like 14' somethiing. I found a drop at 15' something.
Otherwise I think they come in 25' sticks. If that length is hard to carry they will cut it for about $3 or carry a hacksaw and do it in the parking lot. Aluminum 6061 T6 is easy to pick out as it has the raduised inside versus sharp angle cheap stuff.
Thanks Mark, just emailed Vans for the final word and will update when they get back to me. Thanks for letting me know I'm not the first to do this!

I mis drilled mine on my 9A as well. Vans at the time told me to simply countersink those holes and fill with rivets and they would be fine. Maybe you will get similar advice from them.