
Well Known Member
I put the seat into the fuse build last night. I don't have the rudder pedals up in there yet, but I can see a real problem I think - my legs are about a foot short to reach the rudder pedals! I sure am pleased with how wide the seating area is however, that is really roomy!
Have any others had to modify the rudder pedals in order to reach them? I am even thinking adding a seat attach hinge point further forward perhaps. Rudder and brake pedal extensions? Never thought I would find a cockpit that was "too roomy". :)
You can borrow a leg stretcher. Kinda pain full, but then you can built it E-LSA. ;)

You will be fine. You can always add a 3 rd row of seat adustments if you are under 4' 6".

Be honest, were you making airplane noises? :rolleyes:
I did not sit on the seat yet (so no airplane noises), and don't have the rudder pedals in yet so am just guessing. Another RV12 owner is checking out space to see if the stick or anything would interfere if I put in a hinge or two forward of the ELSA positions.
Next time I will build a Sonex, John is more my size than long legged Van.
Don, search the forum for "rudder pedal extensions" and look for my engineerofsorts post. I have a link to my extension attempt is posted there as a link. I haven't gotten my rudder pedal cables hooked up yet, so haven't gotten my 5'3" favorite pilot wife to verify their operation, but it will give you some idea of my attempt to solve my wife's "injudicious selection of parents/shortness gene" problem.
Same Problem

I have the same problem, I can barely reach the rudder pedals with the seat in the porward position. In order to get them all the way deflected, and actuate the brakes, I have to slide down a bit in the seat. This means, of coourse, that I don't use the crotch strap. This has worked well enough for the last 10 months. I have considered adding another hinge to the seat floor, but don't know how well this will work.
I am not absolutely sure it will do the trick either, has anyone else who had this problem actually added a seat attach hinge or two?

I have the same problem, I can barely reach the rudder pedals with the seat in the porward position. In order to get them all the way deflected, and actuate the brakes, I have to slide down a bit in the seat. This means, of coourse, that I don't use the crotch strap. This has worked well enough for the last 10 months. I have considered adding another hinge to the seat floor, but don't know how well this will work.

I gather this is not the right thread to mention that some of us want some more headroom in our 12s

Dan on a MUCH earlier post ( 18 months or so) a guy had the seat swabs made less the lower seat cushion swab by the lady that makes the seats Etc. could be worth a look I think this guy was 6'3" plus somewhat!
Cheers John H.
That was me. Just contact the lady that owns Flightline Interiors (I can't remember her name off the top of my head). She will make you thinner seat cushions. She made mine 2 inches lower and it is just enough to keep my headset from crashing into the canopy in turbulence if my seatbelt is cinched up tight.