link didn't work for now. thanks for sharing your trip. Pretty country
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Thanks PK,

We had a blast and the best thing is our RV made it possible.

Everywhere we go we meet fabulous people who are pleased to share their passion for aviation and their hospitality.

Great Trip!

Thanks for posting, Eddie. Another terrific collection of photographs by Anne-Marie. A few of my personal favorites (just to name a few!): #16, 20, 59, 61, 78, 94, 118, 123, 138, 176, 198, 232, 248, 252, 258, 290, 294, 305, 306, 314, 316, 327, 335, 351, 371, 376, 378, 379, & 416. Very Special Photos! What a great trip and beautiful scenery!
Hi Bill,

Just passed your comments on to Anne-Marie she is chuffed that you enjoyed her photos.

Thanks for the pics Eddie. Perhaps you and Anne-Marie should be getting a commission from tourism Australia. You make these journeys look very appealing and I really like the way you use your RV.

Did you do Wynyard - Wilsons direct? How did you find those long over water legs?

I see that VH-VAP has a new owner. Contemplated that aircraft myself when I was looking.
Great trip and photo's.
You went inland after Moruya, which is a pity.
The coast between Narooma and Eden is my favourite scenic flight of all. Absolutely stunning coastline.
Still sounds like a great trip you did.
Hi Mal,

Yes we flew Wynyard to Wilsons Promitory direct with flight flowing from Airservices, over water time was approx 43 min. We had life vests on for the trip but there is always a pucker factor involved, we try and get as high as the conditions permit, not that it would really help.

Yes VAP has a home in Bendigo Victoria.

Thanks for the pics Eddie. Perhaps you and Anne-Marie should be getting a commission from tourism Australia. You make these journeys look very appealing and I really like the way you use your RV.

Did you do Wynyard - Wilsons direct? How did you find those long over water legs?

I see that VH-VAP has a new owner. Contemplated that aircraft myself when I was looking.

Hi John,

Yep we where trying to beat forecast bad weather (which we managed to do) so took the shortest path, otherwise I would have stayed coastal for the whole trip.

Great trip and photo's.
You went inland after Moruya, which is a pity.
The coast between Narooma and Eden is my favourite scenic flight of all. Absolutely stunning coastline.
Still sounds like a great trip you did.

Hi Eddie,

Its dry down there!

Pic 215 you would have flown right over the airstrip of an early RV6a builder. I think his grandson has since built a -7.

We'll get the 7 down there one day once i sort out autopilot issues.

Plenty of time going back and forth between those islands found their way into the logbook, though with the 'comfort' of a second engine.

You even have a pic of the house i grew up in.

Hi Hayden,

The RV clan should try and catch up, perhaps at Narromine this year we could create an RV table outside the Aeroclub

How long have you been flying your RV and where are you based (Maitland?)

Really amazing photos, Eddie and Anne-Marie! This is the kind of trip my wife and I want to make when our RV is finished.

Now all we have to do is figure out how we can get our RV from Boston to Tasmania...
