
Well Known Member
Hello everyone, been a lurker on the forums for a while now and have been reading everything I can. Finally started looking for an rv4 pretty seriously a few montha ago. Well as of a week and a half ago i am a proud new owner of a rv4. Its the first plane I've ever owned and pretty excited to put a lot of hours on it this summer. Heres a couple pics.

Nice plane! You will love the -4 I'm sure. If ever in the Carolinas, stop by 8A7 in central NC. Several -4s around here.
Nice choice For a first plane. It's was also my choice. Well done! I don't spect you'll be wearin that coat while flying it :)

First rule for a new airplane owner... Don't post exterior pics without an interior pic! Nice lookin bird you've got there.

The normal saying to a new plane owner is to say "keep the dirty side down", but in this case I'll just say... Congrats and be safe.


Congrats on you sweet RV4. You will find your off on quite a journey in the experimenral world. What is the first upgrade you plan to do?...

Congratulations on your First Airplane!
You will love it!
I purchased my -6 many years ago and still can't believe I am lucky enough to own and fly it!
It is an education and a journey, embrace it.
Love the RED WHITE and BLUE....classy!
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More impressive than that nice plane you have there, third post and you figured out how to post a pic already? Bravo! Welcome to the club!

Congratulations! The RV is a keeper as I've had others types that I didn't keep long. I'm going on three years now and still don't won't to sell my 8. Enjoy it and be safe.
Congratulations Justin! Bring it to Atlantic coast one day. Belfast, ME flyin is coming soon.
Thanks everyone. The plane actually came from nc and we brought it home to ohio a week and a half ago. I brought a cfi friend with me to fly it front seat since i hadnt flown an rv taildragger and only 10 hours tailwheel time as i just got my endorsement this fall. Went out today and put 1.8 on it with another cfi friend a got 4 takeoffs and landings from the front seat. No rear rudder pedals so kind of just had to do it but it handles like a dream and is easy to land. I have a couple things i dont want to fix on it like the radio has a bad static when transmitting so other people cant understand us very well. Also not a fan of the plastic brake lines and fuel lines. Other than that, for now i just want it to get warm and put a lot of hours on it.
Your interest in RV's will be gratifying. The fantastic 4, what a pleasure...excellent introductory choice! Sounds like you are on tract...few squawks, personal touch here and there...the fun part of of personalizing your 4.
I've been there...450 hours of fantastic 4 pleasure! I've moved to the 7 now...another awesome experience. I'm happy for you brother. Be safe..
Happy times ahead. Keep us posted.
Welcome Merlin3

Hello everyone, been a lurker on the forums for a while now and have been reading everything I can. Finally started looking for an rv4 pretty seriously a few montha ago. Well as of a week and a half ago i am a proud new owner of a rv4. Its the first plane I've ever owned and pretty excited to put a lot of hours on it this summer. Heres a couple pics.

Welcome Aboard,
You found a pretty one.
They are awesome planes and the group here is unbelievable in the help Dept.

Dues paid 2016
RV-4 Owner

Hey congratulations on being an RV-4 owner.

I've owned my RV-4 since 2009 and have loved every minute of it so far. These are great airplanes but a word of advice; never get complacent with it because they will bite you.

Have fun, be safe and enjoy your RV-4.
Thanks for all the advice everyone. Its hard to sleep at night knowing its mine and its just waiting for me to fly it! The panel is pretty basic and i plan on upgrading it in due time. It also does not have lights so i have been researching the best light setup. I want to go leds and would rather not have to pay for a tsod setup but need something that fulfills the night vfr requirements. I dont plan on flying at night much but its more for safety and those rare times you are coming back to land after sunset. Heres a quick pic of the interior.
Nice RV-4

Congrates on the new bird!!!!

I'm up in Michigan just outside of Detroit, once the weather gets a little warmer, maybe we can catch breakfast of lunch sometime. Its always good to hook up with other RV owners.
