Those photos are spectacular! I've only viewed "Day 1", but I know what I'll be doing for the rest of the day (grin). Could you tell us what kind of camera you were using, please?
Canon Digital Rebel EOS T7
Thanks. The photos are really awesome. They look like you were pretty low so I'm wondering if you used a long lens. When I flew across the Country I used my cheap 5 Mp Kodak and my Garmin Virb Elite video camera. My pictures didn't come out nearly as well as yours. Duh!
Thanks for the writeup! Wife and I are planning a very similar trip for whenever my airplane is finished and tested, and this was good motivation :D
Very nice! Very nice pictures. What camera do you use to allow you to fly and take such nice snapshots? Assuming just one handed. I use my iPhone and get lucky once in a while with the perfect light at the right time, but wow, it looks like most of your pictures came out great!
Outstanding documentation! I am headed west soon, now I know what to look forward to. Illinois to Washington.
There went my Sunday afternoon!

Favorite pics were over Yosimite Park. Brings back memories of climbing out of the Central Valley in the F102, going inverted over Half Dome for the view and "bogies" in the crosshairs over Mono Lake. Thanks for taking us along on an amazing trip.
Great trip write up, Having just flown from West to East and back I crossed much of the area, only we did it at 8500-17,500. Man we missed a bunch!
Thank you Bill


What a well documented travelogue of your flight across America.

I've been an RVer since 1988, when I finished my first RV-4. I've built 5 RVs and my final one is a scratch built LSA (Thatcher CX5) that should be done in the next 90 days. I've made numerous flights across the country, but never the northern route you covered.

I live in the Pacific Northwest near Van's Aircraft.

Billsky! Thank you! I spent several nights reading your travels in installments. Marking the spots to visit and enjoying familiar sights. Good job documenting I like your narratives. I am very impressed you visited the place of your first solo 43 years ago. Great excursion into the past with friends great stories. Keep that intel flowing we airborne travelers are always looking for a right place to land, a pretty sight to see . Btw there are some pictures missing from your last day at the museum. See you at the flyin in Sept.