
Active Member
Well today saw another mile stone in the build of my RV6a.
The story started back in 1997 on a flight back to the UK from Florida. As a bit of in flight entertainment I had picked up a copy of Kit Planes for the journey. There were some stunning pictures of a bright yellow RV8 on the cover and in the article. This was the start of the itch and having convinced the better half about a year later I ordered a RV6 empanage kit . The build started but as usual kids work and a year out to build a bigger garage to put it in have all taken toll.
There has never been a dead line as there are already too many and this is a hobby,after years of leg pulling I could put it off no more .With very few jobs left to complete in the garage the RV6a saw the light of day for the journey to the airfield for final assembly and the 90% of jobs to do .
Life has changed recently so fewer dead lines and time to push the RV to the front .I now have a very firm dead line of a bit less than 12 months to complete.
Today saw the start of the smile but the GRIN is still to come .

PS Already had a hangar mate giving me stick for the training wheel at the front 😁😁😁
Great to hear that you are back to project and you didn't give up during the years. It is good to have deadlines however priorities tend to change and impact less urgent deadlines.

I believe that there has been word or two from people around about the project waiting in the garage.

Make it happen!