
Well Known Member
when moving from wing to fuselage construction, what makes the most sense: order the fuselage and finishing kits at the same time, or one at a time? It seems advantages might be found either way, but I would like input from smart people.
I had the finishing kit and the FWF kit along with the fuselage. Seems there was always something you could do having all the parts. Some things are nice to have up front to get them installed while the fuselage is opened up during early stages. Battery boxes, solenoids, gascolators, static tubing, brake parts, etc. all can be mounted while access is still good. The engine mount makes a great handle for moving the near completed fuselage.

Have as much available as possible. Sometimes it's nice to have a dumb down day and mount tires while you cogitate.

By all you can afford!

I agree 100% with Roberta - the more parts you have, the greater your options for getting something done on a given evening. Just watch out for the "box of chocolates" problem!

What's that, you ask? When you open a box of chocolates, you eat all the ones you like first, right? ;) ....Leaving only the ones you don't want. Same thing with working on the plane - if you have your choice, you do the stuff you like, and leave the stuff that you don't.

With a box of candy, you can always quit and throw away what you don't want. But with the airplane, you will eventually have to do EVERYTHING, if you want to finish. If all you have for the last year of building is stuff you hate to do....well, maybe that is why so many kits never get finished.... :rolleyes:

Just a theory by the way!

Paul Dye
Get it all

If you have the funds and the space, as noted by Roberta and Paul, get the whole enchilada. If nothing else, you may be able to lend bits and pieces to other builders/flyers in the area!

All good points. Also remember that every year Van's raises the price of the kits. Getting as much as you can afford saves money later.