
Well Known Member
I have a PPL but not a valid medical. As I fly LSA, can I log my time in my current pilot log book or do I need a separate log book in which to log my time?
There is no requirement for logging sport pilot time in a different manner than private pilot time. Log your time just as you always have.
Randy, most log books have extra columns and I'd just label one of them LSA. All other models of airplanes can go in their usual places.

I don't know anyone that separates ATP from Comm'l from Private from Sport from LS. Not required. However, you might (as suggested above) like to keep track of the LS time (or others) for other purposes.
PIC time is PIC time whether you are flying a 747, RV7, or LSA. If you meet the qualifications to fly as a PIC in LSA then you can log the PIC time as you would any other PIC time. The medical only makes you legal to fly as PIC in an aircraft that requires a PPL or higher. Besides, since you already have a PPL and have moved down to LSA, the PIC time is rather meaningless except to show currency. It's not like there are additional LSA ratings you need the time for.
There is no requirement for logging sport pilot time in a different manner than private pilot time. Log your time just as you always have.
I agree with this, but it is slightly different than the original poster's (OP's) question, which was whether or not to log time in Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) differently from other aircraft. I don't know of a reason to or, honestly, a need for. I've only ever been asked for time in a specific type or class of aircraft.

I agree with this, but it is slightly different than the original poster's (OP's) question, which was whether or not to log time in Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) differently from other aircraft. I don't know of a reason to or, honestly, a need for. I've only ever been asked for time in a specific type or class of aircraft.

Original post asked about logging time without a valid medical. That is logging time as a sport pilot.
Original post asked about logging time without a valid medical. That is logging time as a sport pilot.
Sorry, I read their question and "logging LSA time" and thought they were asking about logging when flying aircraft certified as LSA vs other aircraft not certified as LSA but which meet the definition. My bad.

The only difference I vaguely remember is when going for a rating receiving dual from a Sport Pilot flight instructor versus a traditional CFI. I seem to recall the SPFI hours can't be counted toward the dual requirements for higher ratings. It was never an issue for me, so I didn't delve into it.