
Well Known Member
I recently started using an iPad to view VAF, and I notice I have to log in every time I visit the site. I've checked the little box that says "remember me," but the next time I visit, I have to log in again. I don't have this problem when I visit the site with my desktop and notebook computers. Any suggestions?

Thank you,

You need to make sure you're allowing cookies to be set. I assume you are using Safari, the default browser on an iPad. Press the home button and open up the Settings app. Look for and press the Safari button on the left hand side of the screen. This will open the settings for Safari. On the right hand side, look for the section labeled Privacy & Security. Click on where it says Block Cookies. This will open a new window with 4 choices. Make sure either "Allow from Websites I Visit" or "Always Allow" are checked. I keep mine set to the former.
Thanks for the quick reply, Kevin! I have "allow from websites I visit" checked in Safari, but it doesn't seem to remember VAF. Maybe I need to be brave and change it to "Always allow."
Are you using Private Browsing? If the Safari toolbar is black with white lettering, private browsing is turned on. It should be white with black lettering.

Tap the two overlapping squares button in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Look for the word Private in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap the word Private to turn it off.
Thanks again, Kevin--problem solved! I accidentally had Safari set for private browsing. I didn't know Safari on the iPad had private browsing! I appreciate your help.
Thanks for asking the question Mark. I just got an iPad Air 2 last week and am also having the same problem. It's my first Apple product.
Odd iPad Behavior

I'm hoping this group may have an answer for another issue I've noticed with use of an iPad to view VAF. I've been using an iPad for Internet surfing almost exclusively for several years. On VAF, when I go to read a post in the Today's Posts list, and swipe right to return to the list, the browser takes me back to the top of the list, and I have scroll back down to where I was in the list. What I'm used to is a return to the list at the point I was at.

The site didn't used to do this. The behavior began about a year ago and I don't know what I might have changed to cause it. I don't seem to have this problem with scroll down lists anywhere else on the Internet. Does anyone know if there is a setting that addresses this kind of behavior, or is the problem just something inherent in the VAF site?
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On VAF, when I go to read a post in the Today's Posts list, and swipe right to return to the list, the browser takes me back to the top of the list

Here's trick I accidentally discovered. If you ever so slightly zoom in on the message list, when you go back by swiping it will keep your place. No idea why, but it seems to work. Just pinch zoom the main new messages list before you start clicking on topics.