
With the demise of Aeroplanner has anyone found a good replacement for their logbook? Fltplan and others want to do the "automatic" entry. I still want to do it the old fashion way and have available my yearly and 90 day data readily available.

I switched to myflightbook.com, they had an import tool that was easy to use and bring in all my logs from aeroplanner. Only hard part was you have to add all the airplanes you have flown in to the system first. They also have a free mobile app that is nice.

Garmin Pilot just introduced a nice logbook into the application. I does do some automatic filling in of the logs and is highly configurable. You might give it a look if you use Pilot.

I switched to myflightbook.com, they had an import tool that was easy to use and bring in all my logs from aeroplanner. Only hard part was you have to add all the airplanes you have flown in to the system first. They also have a free mobile app that is nice.


Handles CFI endorsements nicely.
+1 for My Flightbook

30 years of my flying information on there. Works great and love the app
Start a spreadsheet using your favorite spreadsheet program, and enter the numbers there.

I've been using an Excel spreadsheet since 1997, with columns formatted to look like a paper logbook, and a summary tab that lets me check currency and other numbers needed for insurance renewal.

If you did it in Google Sheets, you could store it online and edit from any internet-connected device.

Handles CFI endorsements nicely.

Wow - I've used this for a few years and never noticed the signature link in the program. Pretty neat! I still complete a paper log book for a backup, but I enjoy this program for all the filtering that can be done to breakdown various flight times.
796 export :(

Would be nice to export the flight log from the 796 like the 496 did and import to the gamin flightbook, made it pretty easy to come up with the numbers every year.
A spreadsheet would go as long as my paper logbook goes between updates.

I'll check on G Pilot. Big user/fan. But I bet that's the "i" version...

It is just the "i" version. As usual with aviation apps, Android users are left in envy of Apple. Garmin seems to copy (some) new features from the Apple version to the Android version after about six months, so if I had to guess I'd say that it'll show up sometime around the end of the year. Of course, we're still missing out on synthetic vision, so who knows.
A spreadsheet would go as long as my paper logbook goes between updates.
Unfortunately, the digital versions that are "automatic" and included with Garmin Pilot, Foreflight, etc. are only good if you remember your tablet on every flight. If you're out for a local trip you may not bother to pull it out, and you may find yourself at the airport and not even have it with you.

So that leaves you having to remember to go back and enter the data some times anyway, and you'll have to re-learn how to do that every time if it's not frequent.

Then there's the issue of whether you can extract that data if you move to another tablet or mapping app, and if you can import the old data to your new program, and whether any of these apps back the data up for you so you can't lose it.