
Well Known Member
Discussion recently came up on how to appropriately log battery changes for an ELT. Since I have a repairman certificate, I should be able to do this however the individual with whom I was discussing this felt that I wasn't even able to do that much. Of course, that's wrong. I have an Avionics logbook with a line that indicates the date the batteries were changed and the date that the next batteries are to be changed. Is there another more extensive entry and I need to make and if so could any of you let me know the appropriate verbiage?
1) Date. 2) Time (hourmeter or tach). 3) Replaced ELT batteries with xxxxx. Tested ELT I/A/W FAR 91.207. Batteries expire xxxxxx. 4) Signature. 5) Certificate number.
FAR's ?

Thank you. That's what I did. Do you have a reference in the FARs where that is cited?
Do you need a repairman cert to change ELT batteries? I figured they fell under the same sort of maintenance as oil chances, tyres, air filters, bulbs and so on
IMHO most people think changing batteries is an approved owner performed preventative maintenance task, no mechanic license needed. But, the rest of 207 talks about inspections for corrosion, and testing. Not at all clear if this is an allowed owner task.
When the annual condition inspection is done, just be sure these inspections and testing are signed off by whoever does the inspection.
Do you need a repairman cert to change ELT batteries? I figured they fell under the same sort of maintenance as oil chances, tyres, air filters, bulbs and so on

On an EXPERIMENTAL aircraft in the USA, anyone can do any maintenance or repair. A Certificated Repairman or A&P is required to do the Once A Year "Condition Inspection." A repair station repairman is required to do the biannual Transponder Check for VFR/IFR and Pitot Static check if IFR. Only an FAA Certificated Manufacturer can do this in house. We are not a Certificated Manufacturer so are not allowed to do this.
... Do you need a repairman cert to change ELT batteries? ...

The only privilege the Repairman Certificate gives is to do the condition inspection (FAR 65.104). It is not necessary to have a Repairman Certificate to work on an experimental (per FAR 43.1).

As to the content of the entry, the guidance at FAR 43.9 is probably a good guide (although one might argue that the entire part 43 doesn't apply to experimental aircraft).

Don't forget

Don't forget (cfr) 91.207 (d). * Corrosion has been found inside the ELT's also... (says check the battery for corrosion but while your are there....). If you ever have and ELT that won't do the "shake" test, depending on the model, it may need two pins tied together to make it work.
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