
Log book entry I need to get my log book up to date I have 28 hr on the plane and will make my first inspection. I think my first entry should state that the plane is safe and airworthy. I did get a sticker from the FSDO inspector stating that inspection was made and that the plane was airworthy. I think the wording is important any help would be help full.
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Log Entry

Check your operating limits. Mine has the following required statement for annuals:

"I certify that this aircraft has been inspected on (insert date) in accordance with the scope and detail of 14 CFR Part 43, Appendix D or the manufacturer's inspection procedures, and found to be in a condition for safe operation"

Experimental aircraft are not "airworthy" because the legal implication is that airworthy means it conforms to the type certificate. Since we don't have type certificates we certify condition for safe operation.

Hope this helped.

Rich Schaller
Like Rich says, check your operating limitations.
The exact wording should be in paragraph (24).