
Not sure what the logbook entry should look like fo a service bulletin?
Can someone give me he proper wording for the wing spar SB.
Complied with S/B 16-5-28 this date. No cracks found. Joe pilot #123456

Bob burns
N82rb rv-4
If you have inspected it and it does not have any cracks, here is one way to write the log entry:

Inspected wing spar as per SB16-03-28 with no defects noted, aircraft is in a condition for safe operation.

Then your signature and repairmans number.

Hope this helps

Mitch A+P IA
I would not add that the the aircraft is in a safe condition for flight. That implies more inspection was done than compliance with the S/B. The only time I use that wording is for the condition inspection. However, my advice is worth exactly what you paid for it.

Bob burns
Rv-4 n82rb