
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
The only scheduled events for LOE'10. Beer, football, more beer and food....surrounded by RVs. On the printed sheet provided by the FBO...

I love this FBO.


An hour after the beer social started Friday afternoon Tayna Card and Ann Daves sat at the raffle ticket desk and sold $3000 worth of tickets. Letting everyone drink for an hour first was Larry Vetterman's idea...
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:mad:Wish I could have made it, being so close to home, but I just climbed out of working plane. Have to pay bills first! Hope you take lots of pics
Me Too

Been looking forward to this for months but we have a couple of projects starting up in two weeks and I have got to get the contracts and stuff ready! Bummer.

Next year for sure!
Just in from the banquet....

115 planes.

Raised over $12,000 for the two charities. Each one got a solo cup with $6K stuffed in it. Very swell stuff.

Here is Stephen (guarded the cash all night) and Sharon (did most of the registrations) holding the charity cash a few seconds before handing it over to the folks representing the charities.


I am honored to be associated with the RV community.
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Band! Next year!!


Band Next Year!
I want the Rolling Stones,, or Lead Zepplin,,, or Pink Floyd
You might want to run a poll on the band.

If I remember right, we had live music for a couple of years and few people enjoyed it. Most would rather socialize and live music makes that difficult.
Hopefully next year I can make it...if I can get the naked bird painted that is...
Don't let that keep you from going. If you look at Jim's 4th picture of the RV's on the ramp you can just make out my unpainted 9A on the very far left of the picture. The one with the 3 bladed prop facing the camera in the back of the pack. It was unpainted and I felt right at home surrounded by beautifully painted 10's (I think I was surrounded by about 5 of them). No matter what your plane's paint condition, make sure to fly-in next year. Outside of Oshkosh, I have never seen so many RV's in one place.
LOE hitchhiker

Anyone who parked in the grass at LOE this year is intimately familiar with those little sticky burrs that got stuck in everything. Well, at my fuel stop in Kirksville, MO on the way home yesterday, here's what I found on my left main tire.


This was after 398NM and 2.8 hours of flying (headwinds all the way home.)

Those little buggers are tenacious!
John at the FBO said that next year that grass lot will be a nice flat bed of green bermuda with no stickers (his words). So hopefully this was the one and only 'sticker year'. A small leatherman with pliers to get stickers out of your shoes was a helpful tool this year :D.

Anyone who parked in the grass at LOE this year is intimately familiar with those little sticky burrs that got stuck in everything....snip

Camping on stickers was a new experience for me.
A nice camping place with no stickers would be great. Showers would be even better!!!
This was a fun fly in. Lots Of Evisiting.
We got a room Sat night.

PS. I do not go to Hill Top Lakes for lunch because of the abundance of Goat Head stickers in the ramp area.
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my LOE 2010 brain dump (debrief)

Some of my other notes and commentary about my experience at LOE this year:

Wow, what a great setup, organization, and experience. This is our third year. I'm very happy we had hard surface parking with the nose dragger. Maybe the locals are interested in just how psycho some of us nose draggers are about staying on the hard surface. That worked, for me anyway. I was super impressed with the enthusiasm and just how happy all the locals were that we were there. That is rare, and a definite improvement noted from previous years. Brian was cruising around in the golf cart giving new arrivals (us) rides across the ramp to check-in. Many thanks. Check-in was totally painless and was our first interaction with Sharon. She had each of a zillion tasks under control all at once. She needs a raise quickly, and is a big part of the reason we're coming back next year and every trip in between that takes us north. Then to get the rental car. Also just as painless as one could ever imagine. Five steps, three signatures, initial for inspection, and keys at the front door. Vehicle access to the ramp was very much appreciated. Drop off of the car on departure morning (Sunday) as easy as handing the keys to Sharon was even better. Did she ever leave? And the always on smile really impressed me. We had to make an effort to duck out of the wind a couple times on Saturday. Perfect use for Football. I don't care about the game, but it was a great wind escape for a while. Gotta' expect wind when you can see the wind farm from the field. And, this year, it didn't involve blowing sand! The big cooler of iced water bottles was GREAT while it lasted. We definitely felt the pain of the cooler running dry Saturday afternoon. I thought about hijacking a golf cart and replenishing the cooler from the pallets of water in the hangar. Yep, there were stickers in the grass... That has already been said. I'm from south Texas, I wasn't surprised. Tanya was when she got a couple in the ***. More airplanes can be parked on the hard surface if parked wing to tail. Tanya already passed that along to John. Just make sure we can all get out and back in easily if we want to go fly, which we could. Blurp... back up, when registering, Sharon, "do you want fuel", Yep, she picked up the radio ... 22C... We were back collecting our bags with the car 10min later, and the fuel truck was topping us off. Sweet. The guy that was fueling said "Thank you guys very much for coming. If you need anything at all, don't be shy, let us know. You can flag down someone on a gator, golf cart, or fuel truck." That set very well with me. I returned a big smile and nod.

Oh, the hotels are literally just 3min from the airfield as opposed to a 20min drive away. I woke up Sunday morning with a big smile to the sound of early departing RVs. Saturday was filled with wandering the ramp yapping, and the ever awaited 4pm call. I don't know who paid for the beer, but the two hour service is a massive improvement from previous years. And there were just as many smiles from those pouring. I just can't tell you how cool that is to see happy locals. Vendors; I really enjoy seeing vendors not there to sell their wares, but there to be a part of the community, yet willing to work too, answering questions, debugging problems, etc., in a very relaxed friendly environment, while drinking a beer. Even if I run screaming from the product, the vendor has my respect for quietly showing up to this event as one of "us". Hey, you better buy a raffle ticket too. The BBQ smoker was a beacon for the whole event all of Saturday. There is something special about seeing the smoke plume all day, and not having the food shipped in. There is no way it couldn't be good if you have to see and smell the cooker all day. The BBQ master was there really working the whole weekend. Saturday BBQ food service was faster than previous years, and much less crowded seating. There was no basic chilled water (only tea?) at the banquet. Tanya was picking water bottles off of the pallet. She is a water only person, surely not the only one. Maybe that could be done a little better. The food was great. I liked the zero decision efficiency of the BBQ line. I liked the better hangar lighting over previous years. Sure makes for better pictures to entice others to want to go and give to the charities next year. Although, the Preacher, sure didn't fit my vision of this event or my intentions of charity direction. One person's perspective. You can give as much or as little as you want based on your own criteria. Like Doug says, "you can't please everybody", me included.

In the last two years, we were taken under the wing of the veteran Ziliks and Rosales clan, and provided real life enhancing experiences from almost a thousand miles away throughout the year, all because of LOE. My single primary objective this year was to attempt to fill the biggest RV flying shoes I've ever come across, Rosie, for his passion for ice cream after LOE. He couldn't make it this year so somebody had to step up. A little research, onsite recon, and embedded strategy, and I think we pulled it off. Ice cream after the banquet was really a big deal for me. My sincere thanks to all that showed up, maybe even though you didn't know you were suckered into something big for someone. The employees at the local Braum's ice cream asked me where we all came from all the sudden this Saturday night. We said we were from a fly-in at the airport down the street. I think I visited each table of 30-40 people, never sat down, and delivered the word to HQ in Rosemond. All the while, munching on my simple vanilla soft serve in a waffle cone, Van's simplicity. This from a person that drops into a crippling panic attack when in a crowd of more than 10 people that I don't know. It is good to have 200+ close friends :). I'm not a name tag person, but I will give kudos for whoever came up with the idea to give those 200+ close friends name tags so I didn't confuse Ross with Russ. I think the clip-on name tag was successfully more likely to be worn than a stick-on (that falls off) or risking drawing blood with a pin. I hope you slept as well as I did Saturday night. Zonked... I really did have a warm fuzzy, waking up, early, Sunday morning to the faint sound of RVs launching. You people that live on an airpark have my envy, but I get to build multiples. The local airport crew were there at the crack of dawn with the doors open and gators running. Major improvement from the local ghost town of past years. You just have to expect with 100+ airplanes on the field launching on the same morning that surely someone will have some kind of mechanical issue that is a BIG deal when you are that far from home. It is nice to see and feel the help of the locals when the moment of truth comes to get airborne for home. That was another moment that made me smile as I watched my prop crank two blades much more slowly in the cold air than I'm used to. Help was alive, awake, and looking at me crank no more than 50 feet away. Vroooommmm! "it sure cranked slow in this cold air didn't it." "yep, but it is all green, just waiting on some oil temp."

Weatherford, John, and especially Sharon, Thank you. Your smiles, energy, and interest have topped any fly-in that I've ever been to.
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A Few More Pics

First off a quick Thank You to Scott & Tanya for some great flying pics of our plane and meeting up with us at The Hard 8. :cool: It still remains The Best BBQ Ever! ;)

We had a Great Time at the fly in and it's always good to see local charities get some much needed funds. If you couldn't make it this year, start planning now and saving money for next year. It is worth the trip. We don't always get to make it due to my work schedule, but fortunately it all worked out this year. Still think I should have gotten the longest distance award... It was 1134 nm from FTG via Houston to Weatherford. :D

Here is a link to some of our pics from the weekend. I really like the one of Gary.

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Scott, I can't thank you enough for continuing to carry the 'Ice cream torch' for me this year! You sure had a GREAT turnout at Braum's so here are MANY THANKS to you and Tanya for pulling this one off!!! :D Rosie
Here are some of the pictures we took. We had a great time!

Alex, it was good to see you. I'm sorry we didn't really get a chance to chat. We're looking forward to Petit Jean for a little slower speed around the campfire.
Holy crossword puzzle! Tanya is addicted to those things, but they aren't allowed in my airplane :).
Alex, it was good to see you. I'm sorry we didn't really get a chance to chat. We're looking forward to Petit Jean for a little slower speed around the campfire.
Holy crossword puzzle! Tanya is addicted to those things, but they aren't allowed in my airplane :).

Hmm, I think I remember hearing from somebody that "your" airplane is the one that isn't finished yet... ;)
Hmm, I think I remember hearing from somebody that "your" airplane is the one that isn't finished yet... ;)

Yeah :). I was the one finishing an oil change last night at 8:30pm, solo, I guess I felt a little entitled. Thanks, I'm back in line now. I am getting much more prodding to go away and get out to the garage recently. But, oh how nice to get out to get night current in someone else's airplane. Especially when she buys the avgas!