
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
I gotta brag for just a minute on some awesome companies.

I have yet to update the site page with all the specifics, but I just got off the phone with another advertiser (Lightspeed). Theirs (and the other six prizes that I'll be reporting on tonight) bring the total value of prizes being raffled off at LOE'07 past the goal I set for myself. It is now at:


I'm pretty dang excited and can't begin to thank the fine companies enough for donating all this merchandise. I suspect the two charities that we are raising money for, the Lee and Beulah Moor Children's Home and the Mesilla Valley Community of Hope are going to be blown away with the kindness of the RV community.

I am honored to be associated with each and every one of you.


(LOE prize getter)
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That is totally fantastic Doug! ... and there's still about 15 hrs to go ;o)

It's looking to be a great weekend all around - everyone fly safe !
LOE Raffle

Way to go Doug!!!! I will increase my raffle ticket purchases 100% over last year and last year I didn't win a thing. It still brought joy to my heart seeing you and Red hand out bags of money at the banquet.
None attendee's

I didn't see any way for non attendee's to purchase raffle tickets this year. Probably too late now but it seems like you're missing an opportunity to raise money from those of us that can not attend.
I didn't see any way for non attendee's to purchase raffle tickets this year. Probably too late now but it seems like you're missing an opportunity to raise money from those of us that can not attend.

Correct. You must be in attendance to win (or have a friend there that you gave money to...that you trust). I understand that we'd maybe make more money this way, but there is no way I'm calling out a number for $6000 off on an engine only to say "the winner couldn't be here".

Dozens of folks (myself included) are buying tickets for people who couldn't attend. Lots of folks have piles of tickets on their table grouped by friend...
