Hi Deven, You might come to LOE not knowing many folks but you'll leaving knowing MANY!!!! LOE is our favorite RV 'social event' fly-in of the year, and we are looking forward to being there again next week :p I'll be arriving Friday with Bryan & Sherri Wood and Dayton Murdock in-tow...

There will be no formation training but our formation leader Stu McCurdy hopes to put 16 formation-qualified-safe pilots in the air on Saturday for a few passes so come enjoy the show :D

I know that friends Gary & Carolyn Zilik and Scott & Debbie Mills are flying out of Front Range sometime on Friday so check in with them.

I'd recommend you come early Saturday morning, enjoy the day with other RVers then attend the evening on-field BBQ and depart Sunday morning with everybody else.

We hope to see you there! :) Rosie
Last year was my first LOE, and I'll be back again this year, and anytime they hold it! A great, laid-back place to put faces to names that you meet hear and other places on the 'net. In fact, you'll never remember everyone that you get introduced to - just too many folks! That's OK theough...they're all friends, cause they are RV'ers.
LOE 2007

LOE is the one flyin that I only miss if the airplane won't
fly or I am unable to fly. Otherwise it is a must. Expect
150 + RV's on the flightline on Saturday.

The dinner/social on Saturday is the best feel good time you will
experience if you like being a part of charity work. Doug Reeves
and Red Marion, with help from lots of other people, have turned what was a small fund raising event back about 10 years ago into the premier airplane fund raising event and best RV social of all times (in my humble opinion).

Last year following the dinner banquet, watching the representative of the Battered Women's Shelter and the representive of the Orphanage (with some of the orphans at the dinner table) split over $17,000.00 raised in the two
day event was a sight to behold. Those of us who participated
last year hope that even more will be raised this year.
Edit Just thinking out loud but I'm not seeing any arrival procedures etc for the event. 150 aircraft on the ramp may be no sweat for Osh folks but thats a lot of radio traffic around these parts. Any pointers for getting in safely?
I was thinking the same thing. Some of the veterans could pretty easily whip up some suggestions. Cross mid-field to downwind or crosswind entry if from the opposite side (that will start the debate :)?
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Any pointers for getting in safely?

Just be courteous - if someone else is doing something that you don't like in the pattern, go off and wait five minutes and come back in. If someone else wants to go ahead of you, let 'em. We can't control what others are going to do, we can only control our own actions....

And I found that when I flew in last year, there was almost no traffic - it's just not a problem, as long as you stay alert, and be generous!:D


I have only missed one LOE and have never seen any problems with the traffic. However I do envision a problem this year and that is that some people will not get the CTAF frequency change and will be NORDO for the rest of us. Keep your eyes extra peeled!
flying commercial

if one wanted to fly commercial to El Paso and rent a car, what airport would i head for and how far is it. I tried to download the map but my old computer won't do it. Sure would be nice ot get some inspiration. These wings are taking forever!!!
rv7 empennage done wings in progress
ELP Commercial to LOE

Rent a car from Enterprise at the ELP terminal. Way cheap. Get directions to IH-10 West, take the North Mesa Exit 11 on the West side of El Paso. You will cross Mesa on your way to IH-10 from the terminal and again see a Mesa exit before you get to downtown El Paso. Don't get off. Go past downtown El Paso on IH-10 headed West and take the N. Mesa Exit 11, turn back left underneath IH-10 and head west on Country Club Road to McNutt Road (Hwy 273) Turn right on McNutt Road (Hwy 273 and go to Airport Road and turn left and it will take you directly to Santa Teressa Airport. If you miss Airport Road and go on up Hwy 273 and come to Highway 136 just turn left and Highway 136 will curve back around to airport road and then turn right on airport road.
if one wanted to fly commercial to El Paso and rent a car, what airport would i head for and how far is it. I tried to download the map but my old computer won't do it. Sure would be nice ot get some inspiration. These wings are taking forever!!! dennis
I went to Mapquest and here are the directions to LOE. Maybe see you there?!? :) Rosie
Stay north and ease in

I was thinking the same thing. Some of the veterans could pretty easily whip up some suggestions. Cross mid-field to downwind or crosswind entry if from the opposite side (that will start the debate :)?

Both my flights into LOE at Santa Teresa have been very easy. One reason is that the pattern for both directions is on the north side (right hand pattern for R28) and very few folks will come in from the south. Since Mexico is just a few miles south and southwest (5T6, of course, is not an international airport) and most folks coming from the east will skirt northeast through the pass to avoid the Class C airspace, just about everyone will smoothly find themselves on the north side of the pattern and in a good position to enter downwind on the 45. I've been into the airport about 10 times and I don't think that I've seen a mid-field crossing.

For the last year or so, the CTAF (122.725) provided an automatic AWOS with the click (or is it a few?) of the PTT button.

Chances are, you'll find LOE easier and less stressful than your local fly-ins or coming into an airport during a Young Eagles event. If not, earlier posts had the right advice. Go off to the north or west and let things clear before coming back in. (Remember, south is Mexico and there are high mountains to the east.)

See ya' there!
My LOE questions:

If I just show up without reservations, will I be able to find a reasonable price hotel room?

If I just show up, will I be able to attend the BBQ Friday night without any advance notification?

I have a day job that will not allow me to plan to attend this event. I may be able but will not know till the last minute. I had plans for this weekend and took Friday off after scheduling it two months in advance. I can take next weekend off but will have co-workers and reports that will make things difficult for me later.
Gary - I've got a hotel room with two double beds and would be glad to share it if you come by last minute. Two overseas deployments while in the USN and I have no hang ups sharing rooms. <g>
