
Well Known Member
Has anyone received a "call back" from Enterprise?
I reserved a mid-size and they just took my name & phone number. I was told no price had been set and we were going to have to pay for the entire weekend since they're closed on Monday. We could drop the car at the airport but since no one will be working Sunday, they would be charging thru Monday (directed by Enterprise corporate, I was told!).
With less than 3 weeks to go I would be more comfortable knowing I had a firm car reservation.
Not going to fly that far to be without transportation. :eek:
I haven't gotten a call-back yet either - they took my name and number, I told them what I wanted, and they said they'd get back to me.
Mixed up numbers?

I called the number from the LOE information page today (915-587-9977) to reserve a car and got the Red Roof Inn. Does anyone have the car rental number.
No Call Back

Ditto. I've called twice in the last three weeks and they've taken my contact information but no call back.

Info taken twice in three weeks, no call back.

I think it's past time for Vetterman, et al, to queue up another rental operation. This is a huge chunk of business with the date known a year in advance. For Enterprise to be this disorganized so close in doesn't give me a warm fuzzy about any "confirmed" reservation - if such is ever forthcoming. Uncertainty will damp attendance.

If they arrogantly maintain their standard hours and refuse returns on Sunday (typically after 1200 Saturdays), that's even more incentive to change.

All rental agencies are represented at ELP. I'm going to start phoning on my own account for another source. Not to be overlooked is a charter bus with scheduled shuttle to/from west El Paso. There really isn't any other need for wheels unless you like looking at sand.

John Siebold
Boise, ID
"Will call a few days before"

I made my initial call today. She asked only for my name and phone number and said they would "call a few days before" to get my credit card and driver license information. Maybe this is how it is supposed to work?
LOE Car Rental

Talked to Enterprise today and they informed me the car rental rates will be $5 more per day than what is posted on the web site.

It was my plan to rent the car on Saturday and return it on Sunday

Since they are closed on Sunday, I was informed I would be charged for an additional day for the rental (2 days vs. 1 day)

Anyone else had this experience??:(
I checked out on line and they are open from 6-11 everyday. Figured I would go that route since I couldn't get through or was put on hold forever.
Went with Enterprize and you return to shelter valet parking and take the shuttle to ELP. Says to leave keys with parking attendant.
NOW we know how the cars get to the border.:rolleyes:
Just an FYI update - I finally got nervous about them not calling me back either, and called them yesterday. Yes, I am still on their list, and yes, they plan to call everyone a couple days before to get credit cards and info necessary for "drop off" rental. I guess I'll stick with them and figure it will all work out - or Louise and I will be sticking our thumbs out for a lift!

(Doug, you should just rent a pick-up truck, and we can all ride back and forth to the hotel in the back - yeehaw!)
Rideshare is a good idea !

Along the "truck" suggestion from Paul ... I'd much rather look for someone to share the rental with - after all, we're only going to be travelling to/from the airport and RedRoof/LaQuinta .. so why foot the bill for the car alone ?

I have not yet ordered my rental - I'll be arriving Friday to attend the evening social, staying Saturday for the banquet, and departing Sunday morning - that's 3 trips to/from the airport. Anyone want to share/lease an empty car seat for me and the mrs ?
Along the "truck" suggestion from Paul ... I'd much rather look for someone to share the rental with - after all, we're only going to be travelling to/from the airport and RedRoof/LaQuinta .. so why foot the bill for the car alone ?

Hmmm.... Let's see, the first time we went to LOE we drove our rental car up to White Sands and Alamagordo which took most of the day on Saturday. The last time we went, two years ago, we went to Mexico.
There's a whole lot of options for sightseeing in the area if you want to do more than look at RV's all day.

I know they'll have one more mid size car available as I have to cancel due to an engine problem (just about lost #3 cylinder last weekend). :(

Ya'll have fun out there doing whatever you decide to fill your day and by all means fly safely! (and frequently check the torque on your cylinder stud nuts!)
Gary Bricker

The rates are higher than posted I was told today. Two day rentals only. I will be there on Fri and leaving Sat. I have to do two days. They will assign cars Wed.
No problem getting a car from Advantage rent a car.

I spoke with Deana, she said she welcomes the airshow business and to mention it for a better rate. I can leave the car at the airport on Sunday and only be charged for the days I use it. I have a confirmed rental for Saturday @ $30. The only downside is that I have to call for pickup.

Advantage rent a car

EL PASO,TX 79932
Phone: 915-5327747 **option 2 for the local branch
M-F 7:00am - 6:00pm, Sat 8:00am - 1:00pm, Sun 11:58am - 12:00am

Advantage Branch # 142
I also booked a car with Advantage, much better deal and at a cheaper rate. The only draw back is the 20 min ride to pick up the car, but it can be left at the FBO on Sunday.
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Thumbing it...

We're going to have several friends and acquaintances at the fly-in, so I'm hoping we'll be able to do this and get a ride to the room...

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We've switched to Advantage

I spoke with Deana, she said she welcomes the airshow business and to mention it for a better rate. I can leave the car at the airport on Sunday and only be charged for the days I use it. I have a confirmed rental for Saturday @ $30. The only downside is that I have to call for pickup.

Advantage rent a car

EL PASO,TX 79932
Phone: 915-5327747 **option 2 for the local branch
M-F 7:00am - 6:00pm, Sat 8:00am - 1:00pm, Sun 11:58am - 12:00am

Advantage Branch # 142

I just switched our reservations to Advantage, as well. Confirmed reservation for a medium-size car for Friday noon through Sunday noon, with all taxes and fees, will be $68.76. However, they want $35 more for a second driver. I guess Paul and I will have to arm-wrestle over who will be the driver. ;)
let louise drive!!

Louise, my wife and i spent much time arguing who would drive before i wised up. Now I'm content to sit in the passenger seat and look out the window. I find that i see much more of the world that way. Now i try to find excuses not to drive!!
If pauls smart, he'll enjoy the scenery.
No problem here...since we're bringing the Val this weekend, I'll get my share of PIC in the air....Louise can have it on the ground! ;)

Enterprise Called

I decided to stick with Enterprise, partly to test the "no hassles" part of this fly-in. They did call back today and it looks like it is going to work, although it is a bit unconventional in they they wanted insurance information, like policy number and deductible, in addition to the usual stuff. The daily price is $31, which I think was the originally quoted number. I also asked about the cancellation fee, because of some personal uncertainties. The fee is $20 but he talked like that wouldn't apply if I could let them know tomorrow.

Still no hassles but there has been a bit of wondering, with this "we will call you" method.
Enterprise Calling

They called me today also. The cars will be at 5T6 for pickup. Pilots tend to be planners by nature so this last minute stuff isn't very comforting. Perhaps next year a competitor might want to jump in with a better, more timely offering.

I spoke with Deana, she said she welcomes the airshow business and to mention it for a better rate. I can leave the car at the airport on Sunday and only be charged for the days I use it. I have a confirmed rental for Saturday @ $30. The only downside is that I have to call for pickup.

Advantage rent a car

EL PASO,TX 79932
Phone: 915-532-7747 **option 2 for the local branch
M-F 7:00am - 6:00pm, Sat 8:00am - 1:00pm, Sun 11:58am - 12:00am
Enterprise is yet to call me :confused: so today I switched to Advantage (got a great rate also). Looking forward to seeing you all this weekend!!! Rosie :D (6-ship arrival from SoCAL)
All squared away as well

I, too, went the Advantage route - the girl on the phone that did the reservation for me knew of the event and the process was painless. $52 and change for Friday to Sunday, leave the car at the museum on departure.
Tanya called Enterprise last night (getting nervous). They parked her on hold for over 10min. then were surprised that she held that long and told her they couldn't ("too busy") finalize the reservation until they worked through the list today (Thurs.). She called back early this morning and finally got the confirmation out of them. Yeah, not being able to confirm the reservation until 24hrs before we need it is really sucky.
Just rented from Enterprise...

Me being me, I waited until the day before the event to rent my car. They picked up after three rings and Josh (the manager) walked me through the rental in about six minutes. No hiccups.

I asked him about their 'call later' policy and he said that the reason they wanted to do that was they didn't want weather to roll in two days before the event wiping out all the work to reposition those cars.

He said they'd do whatever the folks wanted most for next year.


ps: see you there!
Other Hotel Options


After dragging my feet to make arrangements for LOE, I found that the Red Roof was full for the "special rate". However, I found rooms for $50 @ Microtel Suites on the West side of Town just in case anybody is looking.


6185 S Desert Blvd
El Paso, TX 79932

It is off the main airport (136 and 178) road into the airport near I10.

N542A reserved
9A under construction
I got my call back from Enterprise today. They were courteous and efficient.

In my opinion, there's no way they can be making much on this event after all of the time spent shuttling cars back and forth 20 miles from their location. I'm actually surprised they do it.

I got my call back from Enterprise today. They were courteous and efficient.

In my opinion, there's no way they can be making much on this event after all of the time spent shuttling cars back and forth 20 miles from their location. I'm actually surprised they do it.


Guy, they told me this is the only event they do this type thing for, so I think you might be right (low profit margin and a LOT of manpower effort).
