
Well Known Member
I am within driving distance of the event (Chandler, AZ) and would like to know if LOE is an event better suited to the completed crowd vs the in process crowd.

I was unable to attend Osh and enjoy talking to vendors and such. I enjoy watching the flying but also want to do some window shopping.

Window shopping rocks!

I can't say anything about LOE, but I'm sure the entire RV family is welcome to attend, that includes builders, owners and dreamers.

I like window shopping RV's, especially where the builder has customized something. I like the "outside-the-box" mentality and it helps open my eyes to customizing options as well.

I say go! I would too, but I think it's just out of my driving range. :(
I'm still a builder and love going to LOE. I live in Albuquerque, so it's not a long drive or spam can flight.

This was my first year at Oshkosh and in all honesty I think it is much easier to look at a bunch or RVs, get ideas, and talk to the owners/builders at LOE. There are no vendors at LOE (except maybe ECI and the fella that makes intersection fairings), the event is about the planes and the people.

The museum and banquet are great too. This year will be my fourth time--hope to see you there.

I CAN say that LOE is a great event to attend for both flyers and builders. I believe that at least 2/3'rds of the RVs in the USA can reach LOE with 1 fuel stop.

I also know of many builders who fly commercial to be there for inspiration as you'll be surrounded by possibly a couple hundred flying aircraft (and quite possibly get a ride...or two ;-) If you attend, you will NOT be disappointed! See you all there (October 5-7th) :D Rosie
LOE over Oshkosh any day

Never been to Oshkosh...never will (GHW Bush imitation). Been to LOE four times (?). The first before I bought my 6A. If you want ideas on how to do many things, here is a great place. Personally I would like more vendors like the various EFIS guys.
LOE is the only fly-in I really wanted to go to this year. You won't be disappointed. Get there Friday so you can watch everybody come in. I went last year and I am still building. It is a great place to ask questions and see examples.
My Favorite

LOE is my favorite fly-in, and I'm real sorry I won't be there this year (I am hosting a reunion that weekend for about 50 people).

I have driven over from Tucson two years running 'cuz the weather looked sketchy and ended up being sketchy. I fly a fabric airplane so overnighting in t-storms is a concern.

2005 I had my first (and only so far) RV flight with Gus from Van's. I bought a tail kit that night. This reminds me that I am massively in need of a motivation ride.

2006 I asked lots of questions and probably annoyed the heck out of a lot of people. Everyone was patient and no one told me to not come back.

Both years I met a bunch of great people and will look forward to seeing some at Copperstate this year and others at future LOEs. The Tucson bunch is a particularly great group to me. Hopefully I'll be flying my RV7 in for 2008.

Bottom line: go, whether building, built, or none of the above. It is great fun.


ps If you get a chance to share nachos and / or any sort of alcohol with "Hard" Knox and Todd from Georgia, do it. You won't have to ask Robby's opinion about Texas BBQ (or anything else for that matter), and it's like a free floor show :)