
Well Known Member
I read Doug's excellent report but was expecting many more from the large number of attendees. Let's hear a little more chatter from the team!:D

Doug did a good job in his write up summarizing LOE 2007. Larry Pardue and Scott Card posted pics and stories also.

For those of us comming from the northeast to LOE we had 35-50 MPH headwinds and light chop but no rain. The 60 degree crosswinds and bumpy air kept more planes on the ground more then normal I believe. Saturday AM a few planes went up for short site seeing tours and I gave a few rides in the RV10. Gray Bridwell and I attempted some air to air photos with marginal success. I did get to sharpen my crosswind landing skills all weekend as did everyone landing at 5t6. The formation flyover was a challenge due to turbulance but was still a sight to see.

Late Saturday afternoon a few of us flew NW to Silver City and viewed the huge copper mines from 1500 AGL. Then we took a tour around the mtn ranges in the area. It was very interesting landing at airports in the flat barren desert. The hanger talk over the kegs of homebrew and tubs of ICE cold Budweiser was a treat. I have to say the LOE organizers made sure the people were well hydrated........water, pop, and beer! The neat thing about LOE also are the JUNGLE RULES (per Vetterman).......NO RULES. Common sense and common courtesy to your fellow pilots is all that is required for a fun, safe event like this. Some of the California pilots made it in Saturday due to poor weather on Friday. Lots of turbulance was still reported over AZ though getting to LOE.

The trip home for those flying to the North was a joy. Tailwinds were 30-60 mph from 8.5k to 17.5k..........made for some great fuel mileage and getting home to watch Sunday night football. I hope that gives another perspective on LOE many names to list of those I met the first time or people who deserve mention for the efforts they put in making the LOE weekend a lot of FUN!

Dean 805HL