Ron Lee

Well Known Member
The parking area looks really small from the aerial pic. If someone is coming down Saturday for a few hours will there be paved parking available..(preferably not out behind the woodshed)?
I just got home from LOE - driving. It rained off and on most of the morning. It started to dry out this afternoon. There were probably close to 100 planes that had come in on Friday. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the day despite the weather.

Cameron Smith
RV4 #68
Back home in Arkansas

We flew back from LOE today. I will have to look at the pictures. I did not have great expectations. I really under estimated the quality of the airport and the War Eagles Museum and I really, really under estimated what the people from Santa Teresa and El Paso could do. It was a very enjoyable experience that we intend to repeat. At the Banquet last night they said the last count they had showed 115 RVs flew in. I believe it and the quality was outstanding. It was very enjoyable to talk to the other RV'ers out on the ramp and at the dinner. One man that sat at our table currently lives in North Dakota and flys B-52 for a living while building an RV-8 in his spare time. What a great event! Oh, by the way we took off at 1635Z and landed at Fayetteville, Arkansas's Drake field at 2038Z non-stop. Got to love those tip tanks.

Bob Axsom

P.S. Roberta don't put these things off too long if it's workable - I expect to see you in the Air Venture Cup race next year.
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Too Bad Guys

I have NEVER seen such a well prepared facility. The ramp was gigantic and you really missed something. They were running golf carts out to lead the planes to tie down spots and transported everyone and everything to the museum and the rental cars - it was first class all the way.

Bob Axsom

It was great to finally get to meet you and your wife in person. I'll start going through my pictures tonight and will post some shortly. I think your plane is in a couple of them...

Very glad you both had a nice time and will see you down the road.

Home from LOE 5!

What a great time!!!!
Sorry the weather kept so many from attending. We had a nice couple fly down from Michigan, Jim & Tanya Tambs (they won the farthest distance trophy + a prize in the drawing).
They had seen Wings of Adventure when they were at the Hard Eight BBQ in Stephenville, Texas, so on the route home we flew in to KSEP for lunch. We bid them farewell from the ramp at Clark Field and flew back home to Hicks (T67).
Our hats are off to ALL who had any part in organizing the event this year. Everything went so smoothe from the minute you touched down until you lifted off for your flight home! Doug, Red, Larry Vetterman, the city of Santa Teresa volunteers and all the staff at the War Eagles Museum and many, many others made it a memorable event.
Looking forward to next year! :D
Loe 2005

What a great event. It was cool and breezy Friday with rain on Saturday morning which turned to sunny skies by mid morning. Sunday saw clear skies and good flying all the way to Denver.

My hat is off to the event organisers and the staff of the War Eagles Museum and Genes Flight School. There was plenty of parking, lots to eat and some real good micro brew in the evenings.

You'll see us again next year

Gary Zilik
Loe 2005

We made it back to Michigan (Y31) and are unwinding from the looong flight. The weather both ways was fine, except for Michigan (both ways). We had an absolutely great time! We met and flew with some very fine people, new friends, based at T67! Thanks Mike and Mary and Mike and Carrie! The entire event in NM was first class and the prices for lodging and cars were more than reasonable, fuel along the route was suprisingly low (compared to local airports here) also. The trip to the Hard Eight in Stephenville was wonderful. Mary, my only "bad" part of the entire trip was when we all went to Juarez, I don't think I'll ever forget it, but I'll try! Tanya is still chuckling over that!

All in all, a great time and the people and organization in NM are to be highly commended! We will definitely do this trip again!

Jim and Tanya Tambs

RV6 flying(purchased)
RV8 N719JT (reserved) wings
West Branch, Mi