
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
OK folks, LOE is just a week away - time to start a thread to see who's planning on being there!

Louise and I are hoping to be there Friday and early Saturday (we have to be in the Hill Country for another event Saturday afternoon) - I'm hoping to have a new GRT HX display installed in the Val by then, if anyone wants to see one for real!

we are in

Bonnie and I are planning to attend LOE if we can get out of New England next week. Hoping to stop at home for one night before heading for LOE. Looking forward to it.
Have fun gang!

No way can I make with the wife in her last month of construction of her "9 month quick build".

Besides, I'm using the down time to work on the plane.
LOE 08

We'll plan to arrive on Saturday morning! Looking forward to the trip.
Y'all fly safe and we'll see ya there!
We're planning on it. I'm planning on launching from GTU (home) as early as possible Friday morning.
I'll be there, with SWMBO and the inlaws in tow. With any luck, this will be the last trip to LOE in the family SpamCan...
I hate it when work gets in the way of flyins.

I hear ya'! I wanted to make the trek from CA, but the only "enchantment" that I will be enjoying is flying my tri-motor to Frankfurt for a "grosse Pils" and a brat.
Have fun everyone!
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I am still looking for a ride down from CA. Will help with the cost and I will take a shower that day:D
We'll be attending LOE 08

Dad and I will be there. The plan is to leave Sat at dawn (6:30 in Phoenix), stop in Safford, AZ for fuel and eats and then arrive somewhere around 10. Leaving Sunday morning after breakfast. So if you speed demons blast past a 100 kt cream w/ blue trim exp plane you know it's us.
We'll be @LOE

From SoCal:
Rosie & Tuppergal
Bill & Sharon Souza
Mercedes Eulitt

We plan to depart (Friday) 0700 local for Chandler (CHD) near PHX for fuel/food then continue into 5T6, arriving ~1400-1500 local. See you all there! :D
We'll have a small contingent of RVs from Albuquerque on Sat morning... see you there.
In spirit...

I'll be there in spirit, wish I could make it.

I'm off to Prague/Vienna/Bratislava/Budapest/Munich for two weeks tomorrow so I'll just have to experience it through pictures and stories :)

Any VAF'ers where I'm going? PM me, I'd love to meet you.

Going to LOE

Moose is in! Arriving Thursday night via the bright silver AA mailing tube. Tell Louise to smile when you taxi in...I'll have the camera waiting!

Note....I'm posting on Don's computer, so his logo is above.

Hey Iron......I'll be there!
Not this year....

as I have a parent's weekend at the middle son's university that weekend - my old alma mater.

I don't know of anyone from MN going, bummer.

To those who do make it - tip one back for me!
I'm planning on being there, Friday at least. Saturday? Don't know about that yet...
From Chapter 91 in Lee's Summit, MO

Well, here's the Kansas City area contingent: We're traveling in two groups on Friday to arrive nid afternoon and evening. Then, we plan to depart on Sunday.

1. RV-7 Bill Gill & Pat Lorie . . . . . . . . .

2. RV-6 Bill Cary & John Rice . . . . . . .

3. RV-6A Keith Schult & Bob Gurski . . .

4. RV-8 Dan Frank & Relative. . . . . . . .

5. RV-6A Glen Lewis & Ronnie. . . . . . . .

6. RV-9A Larry Young & Mike McKenzie.

7. RV-6 Patrick Lee & Wife . . . . . . . . .

8. RV-9A Matthew & Sandi Brandes . . . .

I look forward to putting faces with names. See you there!!!
Special Note to those attending!

Fly safe, have fun and take lots and lots of pictures to post for us guys that can't make it .;)
Borrowed Horse

Wouldn't miss this!!!
Carol and I plan to fly out Friday in RV8 Borrowed Horse. Hope to see and have some fun with every one of you!
Can't wait

Ann (better half), Jacqui (28 year old single school teacher) and I will there Friday Afternoon until Sunday late morning.

This will be my sixth LOE and is always on the top of my list of RV events.

No, I am not coming just because I am a multiple repeat winner of goodies, I am coming because I am a multiple big contributor to the raffle that supports two great and needy causes.
I'll be there!

Unfortunately, my recently completed -7A won't. While it may have been possible to get the 40 hours flown off time-wise, I just couldn't handle the expense of over $2,000 in AvGas in a few short weeks. So I'll be caging it over on Friday and staying through Sunday. See y'all there!
Will try again

We (Ed & Mary)have tried to come out the last couple years, but either the weather or schedule interfered. We are leaving Trenton, SC on Sunday for a flight to Columbus, NM (1st Aero squadron) to visit friends, then back over to 5T6 on Thursday so I can be there to see everyone coming in. Red Marron called to see if I was going to make it....I said YES !, so don't want to get on his bad side. I attended the LOE at Los Cruces in 2001 and really enjoyed it. See ya'll

Ed & Mary Booth (Trenton, SC S17)
RV-6 (sold)
RV-7 (flying)
RV-9 (under construction)
RV-10 (flying)
1953 Cessna 170-B
Glad to see so many are arriving Saturday. That leaves more beer for me on Friday evening.

See you there.

Hey Chris,
Ann & I be there on Friday, but we don't drink beer, so you're safe.

Myself and Paul Harder "OX" will be arriving around noon with a pocket full of raffle cash from some RVers that could not make it ! I know of 3 other RVs from our area that have not logged in !

Myself and Paul Harder "OX" will be arriving around noon with a pocket full of raffle cash from some RVers that could not make it ! I know of 3 other RVs from our area that have not logged in !

I made reservations at the La Quinta, will be in Las Cruces M-T, then will fly down Friday morning, working on a rental car....
Pazmanyflyer's out

Well after getting to Kingman this weekend to start our condition inspection it took all 15 minutes to find out that I'll be scrubbing this trip and several more to come. Found out 3 of 4 cylinders are below 60/80 on the compression test. Sucks for me. Upside is now we can upgrade from our 125 hp O-290G to a 150 hp O-320. Have fun everyone! Please take pictures and post when you can!
Who's coming to LOE?

Me! I get to go this year! Look for Iron Flight 2.

I wonder if I can sneak a beer at the beer wagon. :rolleyes: You know us 18 year olds.
LOE fly in reasonable price gas locations

Does anybody know of any fuel stops in that general area that are low? Are there any special fuel deals at the fly in?