
Well Known Member
The LODA that I obtained for my plane is not a model of clarity -- in part because the FAA apparently uses the same form for aircraft owners that it uses for CFIs.

But that said, as I read it, my CFI friend can't teach a pinch hitter course to my girlfriend in my plane -- even if the CFI also has the required LODA, and even if he doesn't charge for the service. The LODA apparently applies only to me, the owner/operator. Apparently the owner/operator (if it's a corporation, for example?) can have a "delegate," but that "delegate" still has to be the person listed by name in the LODA.

Anyone disagree?

Assuming I've got this right, and I'm not sure I do, allow me to point out that this situation is highly annoying and deeply, deeply stupid.
Yes, I disagree.
If the cfi has a loda, he may instruct anyone (that’s your ‘delegate’ - someone flying with your permission) and accept ‘customary’ compensation.
If you have a loda, any cfi may instruct, and be paid, for instruction given in your plane to you or anyone flying with your permission (your delegate).
In no case may you receive any compensation for the airplane’s use.
Okay I can sort of see this...

...but at the very least I'm going to need an additional LODA. The authorized "delegate" has to be listed by name at the bottom of the LODA, per Paragraph A:

"The owner (or delegate) or authorized instructor listed at the bottom of this document is authorized...."

Yes, I disagree.
If the cfi has a loda, he may instruct anyone (that’s your ‘delegate’ - someone flying with your permission) and accept ‘customary’ compensation.
If you have a loda, any cfi may instruct, and be paid, for instruction given in your plane to you or anyone flying with your permission (your delegate).
In no case may you receive any compensation for the airplane’s use.
I had my wife ask for a LODA for my airplane specifically, even though her name is not on the registration. FAA sent back a LODA with her name and my name on it.
...but at the very least I'm going to need an additional LODA. The authorized "delegate" has to be listed by name at the bottom of the LODA, per Paragraph A:

"The owner (or delegate) or authorized instructor listed at the bottom of this document is authorized...."

No, no, no.... Remember the LODA has nothing to do, really, with instruction. It is a waiver of the FAR forbidding flying in an EAB for compensation. The CFI is named as now holding a LODA which allows him to be paid in an EAB; the owner signs, acknowledging that he cannot be paid or compensated for the use of his aircraft, but he may allow his aircraft to be used when a cfi is paid. Only one signature is required.

The "delegate" is if you (the owner) turn over operational control of the airplane to someone else. The LODA allows them to allow the plane to be used for paid instruction.
Two LODAs or not

As I understood it, a CFI needs his or her own LODA to instruct in *any* experimental aircraft, and then any such aircraft itself also has to have a LODA identifying the aircraft and the owner/operator/delegate. No?

No, no, no.... Remember the LODA has nothing to do, really, with instruction. It is a waiver of the FAR forbidding flying in an EAB for compensation. The CFI is named as now holding a LODA which allows him to be paid in an EAB; the owner signs, acknowledging that he cannot be paid or compensated for the use of his aircraft, but he may allow his aircraft to be used when a cfi is paid. Only one signature is required.

The "delegate" is if you (the owner) turn over operational control of the airplane to someone else. The LODA allows them to allow the plane to be used for paid instruction.
As I understood it, a CFI needs his or her own LODA to instruct in *any* experimental aircraft, and then any such aircraft itself also has to have a LODA identifying the aircraft and the owner/operator/delegate. No?
No. It is OR. Flight instruction can be provided if the operator OR the instructor have a LODA.
No, no, no.... Remember the LODA has nothing to do, really, with instruction. It is a waiver of the FAR forbidding flying in an EAB for compensation. The CFI is named as now holding a LODA which allows him to be paid in an EAB; the owner signs, acknowledging that he cannot be paid or compensated for the use of his aircraft, but he may allow his aircraft to be used when a cfi is paid. Only one signature is required.

The "delegate" is if you (the owner) turn over operational control of the airplane to someone else. The LODA allows them to allow the plane to be used for paid instruction.

I am thinking that the form may have changed. My Loda (issued very early) has language that says either I or a delegate has the privileges herein. Maybe the doc has changed and now it states that any delegates must be listed. The OP referenced this, so assuming it appears on his LODA, eventhough our LODAs have no such wording.

I do agree that the CFI LODA is universal for that CFI and no delegates or specific planes need be identified.

Sorry to hijack but it is relevant. Can we get everyone to agree...:D

As a CFI can I get LODA to instruct (for compensation) in any Vans Aircraft RV (EAB) model with any student without an Airplane/owner LODA?

I was under the impression the "blanket" LODA was no longer and replaced with a specific LODA that lists the pilot (student) and CFI giving instruction/flight review and in what (specific) plane. Examples:

Can I:

1) As a CFI get a LODA to give instruction/training/reviews in any EAB for which I am qualified if the plane does not have a LODA?

2) As an RV owner get a LODA to allow use of my plane for transition training to anyone by any CFI? (In my case I'd be CFI and plane owner giving instruction/training and getting compensation.)

In another way of asking the same questions,

3) The LODA needs to name specific people (pilot and instructor) in that specific plane (N-number)? T/F

4) Getting compensation for the use of an EAB plane in anyway forbidden, LODA or not. Is that correct? T/F

This should not be complicated or controversial. I hope they write clear concise Rags to eliminate confusion and reduce or eliminate the LODA requirement, giving more freedom and flexibility. Politics will get involved and airframe manufactures regular and LSA will want to make it very restrictive for their own self interest. I am 100% OK with limits. If LODA is going to be the way to some use of EAB for training (compensated or not) and CFI being paid that will be that.
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Sorry to hijack but it is relevant. Can we get everyone to agree...:D

As a CFI can I get LODA to instruct (for compensation) in any Vans Aircraft RV (EAB) model with any student without an Airplane/owner LODA?


I was under the impression the "blanket" LODA was no longer and replaced with a specific LODA that lists the pilot (student) and CFI giving instruction/flight review and in what (specific) plane.

Technically there are two LODAs but both on the same form. One for a cfi, where the cfi name is listed; one for the owner, where his name is listed. Some of us have both, on the same form. Since the loda is a waiver of the compensation rule, only the cfi or the owner are involved. ‘Students’ names are not listed.[/quote]

Can I:

1) As a CFI get a LODA to give instruction/training/reviews in any EAB for which I am qualified if the plane does not have a LODA?
Yes. Note you are restricted to ‘customary and usual’ payment for your cfi services. This is to prevent people from actually charging for the airplane (not allowed) and calling it ‘instruction fee’.[/quote]
2) As an RV owner get a LODA to allow use of my plane for transition training to anyone by any CFI? (In my case I'd be CFI and plane owner giving instruction/training and getting compensation.)
Almost. Not anyone. The trainee must have a ‘bona fide need’ for such training, e.g., he is a builder or buyer of an EAB. In this case you may charge for the airplane as well as your cfi service. Note that this activity is NOT covered by the recent LODA. You need a different one, which was first isdued more than 10 years ago, and involves a lot more paperwork. And, you’d best check with your insurance company. Normal policies do not cover instruction for hire to others.[/quote]

In another way of asking the same questions,

3) The LODA needs to name specific people (pilot and instructor) in that specific plane (N-number)? T/F
The new lodas (paid instruction, no charge for airplane) require either the owners name or the cfi’s name. No others need be listed. The old loda (transition training where the owner is compensated) require the owner and all cfi’s to be listed.

4. Getting compensation for the use of an EAB plane in anyway forbidden, LODA or not. Is that correct? T/F

True, except for transition training given under the 10 year old loda
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Obtaining a LODA

I found the address for obtaining a LODA for my aircraft but what exact information do I need to include for my request? Since it’s for just for my plane is the N number and my personal info all that’s needed. Being the Government and the FAA, I’ve been searching for the correct form since they seem to have forms for even asking the time of day. This just seems too easy.
It is easy. N number, owner name and address, email address, also home airport (they will try to route the request thru the nearest FSDO).
Google ‘Vintage and experimental loda form’ and you’ll get the form to fill out.
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It is easy. N number, owner name and address, email address, also home airport (they will try to route the request thru the nearest FSDO).
Google ‘Vintage and experimental loda form’ and you’ll get the form to fill out.

Thank you Bob :)