
Well Known Member
What is the preferred method for locking up your tilt-up canopy when out of town? A canopy cover is available I realize but it would be nice to lock up as well. Thanks
Have a lock on mine but don't use it. Not saying you shouldn't lock it but it's easier to bring it home with no radios than with no radios and a broken canopy. Just a thought. The lock I used is the one that comes with the mag/start switch from Vans. Larry
Simple and Cheap

Drill a hole thru the portion of the latch lever that sticks outside of the fuselage when the latch is in the closed position. I use a light weight, brass padlock thru this hole. Body of the lock is covered with shrink tube to prevent "bruising" of the paint. Lock will stop honest people but is still easy enough to be cut by the bad guys should they wish to avoid breaking the canopy.
Terry, CFI
RV-9A N323TP
Here is a picture

Here is a pix of what Terry describes. I used some splicing tape around the lock for protection.


I have wondered that myself. The -12 latch is completely different from the -9 or -7. Nothing penetrates the fuse that can be attached to a pad lock.

I got the canopy cover and decided to carry away headsets and anything else valuable inside. I did not make the 396 removable for the same reason. Used to have a -6 and someone tried to brake in when it was locked. Cracked the canopy. Now I am just going to cover it up and hope.
I know I'm digging up an old thread, but you guys mention a canopy cover that locks on....where can I find this cover, and what do you guys that own one think of it? Is the inside of the cover soft enough to not damage the canopy? Does it do well in rain or snow?
