
Well Known Member
Is there a way to find out if there are any builders in your area for some help on certain areas of the build? It seems to me that somewhere I found out where all the subscribers were from and what they were building. It sure would be nice to be able to contact some local builders for assistance.
Van's Bldr.txt

When I ordered my Empennage from Van's, they sent me an email with all of the builders within 50 miles of my address. As I live in SoCal, that was a long list.

Try calling Van's and asking for the Builder List file.
Here's a start...

Working for the Evil Empire, we do get to use some cool stuff sometimes..

Let me know if you want a specific area. Data was pulled from the White Pages and uploaded to MapPoint. It's only as good as the data entered, but does give an interesting view.

Unfortunately that list is way out of date.

You can start here with the RV White pages and you can also contact Van's Aircraft for a list of builders in your area :p Rosie

I checked and I know more people building in my area that are not on the list then there are people on the list.
I would suggest that you contact the EAA chapters in your area to find the RV builders. Also some of the builder help you may need will be general procedure type help and anyone that has build a plane before could be of help.

Working for the Evil Empire, we do get to use some cool stuff sometimes..

Let me know if you want a specific area. Data was pulled from the White Pages and uploaded to MapPoint. It's only as good as the data entered, but does give an interesting view.


Weird. None of us Canadians are shown on that map. Is that a quirk of MapPoint ?
We got us some law breakers in out midst

I see a pin in the Jacksonville Florida area. Those guys should be locked up:D

Has that been resolved yet?

Cool map!
Now if....

Now if Van's would generate an electronic version of their list, we can convert that in about 10 minutes and plot.

On the Canada thing, I originally did the plot for Gary Sobek who was looking for a place with lots of RV builders in the US so I didn't import the Canada bretheren.

Hey, if you want a nice color coded chart showing RV builder densities by county, I can do that too...

Actually, aside from getting to drive the Death Star every Thursday, we do get to do some dogfooding of products. This was generated using MS MapPoint, kind of an Excel for location based data. Not industrial strength, but does have a high "neat" factor for doing stuff like this.

There once was a site...

where builders could put in their zip codes and it would put pins on the map for you. A search should pull that up...
Geography 101

It's way distorted due to the map's being a mercator projection.

Bad enough no pins in Canada! Texas is puny...

Texas 261,000
B.C 354,000
Ontario 415,000
Quebec 595,000
Nunavut 808,000 sq mi.

Amuricans! :rolleyes:
CDN $ is finally worth something too! Been waiting for that before buying my parts.