
Well Known Member
I'm working on my RV-7 wings and have a question about how to "locate" the hole for the tie-down bolt in the leading edge skin.

I know it's pre-punched, but the instructions say to draw lines on the main skin which intersect over the tie-down AEX before you mount the leading edge, then extend those lines onto the leading edge skin to "locate" the true center of where the hole in the skin should go. Then you're to adjust the pre-punched pilot hole with a file if necessary before drilling to full size.

So far that makes sense and I can picture it. My problem is that the instructions say to remove the bottom main skins (and leave the top skins) before mounting the leading edge. This is where I'm lost. Seems like the guidelines mentioned above would be on the bottom skins. How then can I extend them onto the leading edge skin if I only leave the top skins attached?

I'm probably missing something basic here but I'd appreciate anyone who could clear it up for me.

Tiedown Hole

I noticed the same lack of explanation when I was working on my wings. The solution is to temporarily put the bottom skin back on to extend the guide lines and then remove it after you verify the correct position for the hole. The prepunched holes of my LE skins were perfect.
Take a laser and aim it in the centre of the hole. Leave the laser in place and then place the skin on. Drill a small pilot hole where the laser is aimed. Enlarge as necessary. Works well, done this in other areas as well.
Thanks! Had not thought of using a laser and I already have one that would be perfect.

Take a laser and aim it in the centre of the hole. Leave the laser in place and then place the skin on. Drill a small pilot hole where the laser is aimed. Enlarge as necessary. Works well, done this in other areas as well.

Friggin' brilliant!