
Well Known Member
I can’t seem to locate the electrical drawing, OP-37. I’m starting my electrical planning and the basics or recommended layout for wire runs would be really helpful.

Can anyone point me to it on the vans webpage, or would anyone mind providing it to me electronically? I’m hoping this will serve primarily as a layout reference, while the schematic will be based on an aero electric design with changes made to satisfy mission, etc.



That drawing doesn't exist at Vans Web site that I can find although it is on a flash drive for my 7 that I purchased and use often.

RV10 Electrical drawing (obsolete) on my flash drive.

Is there any way I can coordinate to get it from you? Again, only wanted to use it as a reference on where to locate my primary wiring runs.

I’ll PM you my email if you’re willing to dig it out and send it along.

I can’t seem to locate the electrical drawing, OP-37. I’m starting my electrical planning and the basics or recommended layout for wire runs would be really helpful.

Can anyone point me to it on the vans webpage, or would anyone mind providing it to me electronically? I’m hoping this will serve primarily as a layout reference, while the schematic will be based on an aero electric design with changes made to satisfy mission, etc.



Think carefully about wire runs, and conduit under the baggage floor / rear seats, and through the side walls. The factory wiring harness is very basic, and the drawing is helpful mostly for routing, but not indicative of the wiring required for a modern electronic-heavy IFR platform.

There are a number of build logs that have decent photographs of people's routing choices. Bob Leffler's, in particular. I have a bunch of pictures of my routing that I can share in a blog post if you're interested.
Think carefully about wire runs, and conduit under the baggage floor / rear seats, and through the side walls. The factory wiring harness is very basic, and the drawing is helpful mostly for routing, but not indicative of the wiring required for a modern electronic-heavy IFR platform.

There are a number of build logs that have decent photographs of people's routing choices. Bob Leffler's, in particular. I have a bunch of pictures of my routing that I can share in a blog post if you're interested.

Thanks for the pointers, I will look up Bob's info and I would really appreciate seeing yours as well. I'm in very early stages of planning and preparation for this part. Wings are almost done, fuselage not yet started BUT.... I often have time in evenings and during work travel that I can sit, think, plan and prepare while I can't work on the build. I try to put the time to good use and lately I've been working on wiring, avionics, and engine.

Thanks again!
In addition to routing the wires, if you decide to install air conditioning you will need to get the refrigerant hoses to the compressor on the engine from the condenser scoop and the evaporator in the tail cone. While the typical routing for the hoses is inside the tunnel, I ran mine up the sides along with the wires, as I preferred to not add additional things into the tunnel, which can be very full in some places.

Just something to think about.