
fugio ergo sum
Be sure and look at the July 2008 issue of Sport Aviation. VAF member James Clark is featured, along with his RV-6 (nice paint job).

There is also an article on RV hotbed Pecan Plantation in Texas. I'll never forget when I was there for some air to air photography. I found out that the Cessna 180 photo plane pilot was to be Dick Keyt. "THE Dick Keyt", I asked. "The one that has the Polen Special?"
Thanks ....

For the mention and compliment Larry.

Currently trying to get it back in the air with newly overhauled engine from Aero Sport Power (THANKS A MILLION Sue!!! {and Bart too I guess :) :D} along with a new prop.

If the delivery trucks ever find SC, I may have a shot at making OSH.:rolleyes:

... shipment expediter

Great article in Sport Aviation!!
Nice write up and the pictures were great!
I wish the bottom of my RV-6 was that clean!!!

I have to ask??
Hope it is not too personal, but what is the rest of the story with Patty?
GF? Wife? bucking buddy? flying partner? Significant other?
You both built the RV-6, but only your picture is in the article and it doesn't talk about Patty flying it either.......
or did I miss a paragraph or page???

I met you a couple years ago when I brought a RV-9 builder from our area to
a RV- fly-in lunch at Cub. His name was Don Alexander and he was amazed that there was another RV builder at Cub with the same name.!
I still tell people about that flight, when they ask me where all have I flown the RV or how fast is it?? I say....well, one day I flew to Columbus SC for Lunch, :) 2.5 hours each way!!!

Again, Congratulations!
No problem ... comments below

Great article in Sport Aviation!!
Nice write up and the pictures were great!
I wish the bottom of my RV-6 was that clean!!!

I have to ask??
Hope it is not too personal, but what is the rest of the story with Patty?
GF? Wife? bucking buddy? flying partner? Significant other?
You both built the RV-6, but only your picture is in the article and it doesn't talk about Patty flying it either.......
or did I miss a paragraph or page???

I met you a couple years ago when I brought a RV-9 builder from our area to
a RV- fly-in lunch at Cub. His name was Don Alexander and he was amazed that there was another RV builder at Cub with the same name.!
I still tell people about that flight, when they ask me where all have I flown the RV or how fast is it?? I say....well, one day I flew to Columbus SC for Lunch, :) 2.5 hours each way!!!

Again, Congratulations!

Patty is my **airplane partner**. We have -different- significant others. We are good friends. Almost like sister/brother. It does confuse people when I refer to her as my partner, especially when someone else is with me.
She flies it sometimes. I fly it most of the time. She likes building more than flying, I think. She and her significant other are working on a 10.

Just spoke to her a few minutes ago.

She JUST walked in an caught me writing about her!:eek::)

James Clark and Pecan Plantation Articles

I have reached a point that I don't read the magazines with as much enthusiasm as I once did but you got me to open my Sport Aviation that I had scanned and thought I was done with. I would have missed these without your post and it would have been my loss.

Bob Axsom
I'm just back home and on the keyboard, having just driven over to a local pizza place for a bowl of spaghetti. I used the meal to read over the newest Sport Aviation, specifically the article about James Clark and his RV-6.

James, I enjoyed that article a great deal. Like Bob said above, I don't read the magazines much anymore, but after hearing others talk about it I picked it up on the way out. I'm really glad I did.

Well done!

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I'm just back home and on the keyboard, having just driven over to a local pizza place for a bowl of spaghetti. I used the meal to read over the newest Sport Aviation, specifically the article about James Clark and his RV-6.

James, I enjoyed that article a great deal. Like Bob said above, I don't read the magazines much anymore, but after hearing others talk about it I picked it up on the way out. I'm really glad I did.

Well done!


The interview and photo session (they took LOTS of aerial photos!!) was done last year at OSH along with a bunch of others. Some have appeared already and there are others that I am sure will appear.

Hope to see ya there.
