
Legacy Member
User Fees are starting locally. It seems that Cutter Aviation at Collin County Regional Airport (TKI) doesn't want our little general aviation business. If you Land at TKI and don't buy fuel ($5.99/gal), you will be charged a ramp fee. Cutter controls almost all of the ramp space at TKI. We were told at the McKinney EAA meeting Thursday night that if you just pull in to pick up or let off a passenger, you will not be charged IF you personally go in and tell them.
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User fees at large FBOs have been around for over 20 years. MKE had them in the 80s. I dealt with Cutter at Colorado Springs last year and they were the nicest FBO I have ever encountered. They were reasonable in pricing and went out of their way to accomodate our RV7A. We only paid $35.00 a nite for hangaring and they were right there to pull it out or put it back as we used it during our Colorado vacation. Running us back and forth for our rental car was also a freeby. In a competitive world, they need to be profitable, too, or there won't be any services at airports.

Ask who gets the fee. It might not be who you think. Flightcraft at PDX collects $10 per day ramp fee but gets to keep ZERO of it. They have to give it to the Port of Portland.
Cutter at DVT rounds off your fuel purchase to the next HIGHER gal. If you put in 8.2 you will be billed for 9.0 Gallons. They do not disclose this or post it. They do not round down. Atlantic here seems to charge by the 10th of gallon. WATCH those fuel bills. Larry
In all liklihood it is the local taxing agency responsible for the fee. Most airports just add to the fuel cost and pass the fee on that way and nobody knows there is a fee. With increasing fuel cost I think you will see more and more of this.
For Fuel KHQZ

I'm not from the area but it looks to me like I would buy all my fuel (self service) from KHQZ. I would only land at TKI if I had to. If they want to cater to the big boys let them, Support the ones that welcome anybody, with lower prices.
Call the state...

Cutter at DVT rounds off your fuel purchase to the next HIGHER gal. If you put in 8.2 you will be billed for 9.0 Gallons. They do not disclose this or post it. They do not round down. Atlantic here seems to charge by the 10th of gallon. WATCH those fuel bills. Larry

Time to call your local Weights and Measures and Business licensing guys!!

Seth Mones
Arizona Dept. of Weights & Measures
4425 West Olive Avenue, Suite 134
Glendale AZ 85302
Phone: (623) 463-9935
Fax: (602) 255-1950
[email protected]

....just a quick read of the statutes seems to put this way out of line. Not only the Weights and Measures rules, but I presume they are also over taxing you on the AZ sales tax

Imagine the riots if the local corner gas station did that....:eek:

Cutter at DVT rounds off your fuel purchase to the next HIGHER gal. If you put in 8.2 you will be billed for 9.0 Gallons. They do not disclose this or post it. They do not round down. Atlantic here seems to charge by the 10th of gallon. WATCH those fuel bills. Larry

This because the line guys/gals are not issued calculators and didn't finish high school..........and........because you let them get away with it...!!!:eek:
The weights and measures have been out there, told them it's not legal unless they post it on their trucks. It seems like it is a defiance issue so I guess another call is in order!!