
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
OK, assuming that we get the Shuttle off the ground on Saturday, and that all goes well, I don't have to work the first four days of the mission (work guidelines keep us to "only" 12 days in a row), so maybe I can go someplace this Sunday for lunch!

I need to stop in at Kestrel sometime soon anyway - anyone want to do Lunch at Llano - on the ramp at 11:00 to beat the crowds?

The cookies just came out of the oven. Sorry you can't get them while they are still warm, but they'll be in Llano tomorrow.
Yummm... <slurp> I got mine warm, right out of the oven! :). Tanya is almost full time PIC in N4822C now and has been checked out by the builder for solo operations with a cross wind limitation. Surprisingly, her landings are better with an audience.

VAF is good for all kinds of stuff, including notice of when the cookies are ready for testing, even for those of us in the same household.
I'm headed the other way - taking 1CT up to Tulsa for its annual. Afternoon TS are forecast, so I'm going in the morning while the gettin's good.

Good Turn-out!

It sure was a nice day to go to Llano, and we made it to the BBQ before the crowds hit - really good stuff, and Tanya's cookies rival the Cobbler for dessert (or is it a "pre"-ssert) if you eat them on the way TO the restaurant from the airport?)

I think I counted 7 airplanes and an Arrow.....:p (sorry Steve, but what do you expect when you show up in something other than an RV?

Aw heck!

"I think I counted 7 airplanes and an Arrow..... (sorry Steve, but what do you expect when you show up in something other than an RV?"

I'm getting used to that...although I don't have to like it!!!
It does beat walking.......barely! (Ha!)
Wound up going to Tulsa anyway. Dog-legged to the north and then over. Huge MCS that seemed to occupy about 50% of Oklahoma. First time landing on a runway with big puddles on it.
