
Well Known Member
Earlier today, I posted this thread about my difficult decision on choosing between the RV-7 and the RV-10. Sarah has never been on a plane with fewer than 100 seats, and HATES flying, even commercially, so I decided to get her out for a discovery flight, to see if she's going to show any interest in joining me once I get this "plane thing" started.

Anyway, here's the result of her Discovery Flight...

She Did It!

Same Airplane As My First Flight, First Solo, and Checkride Over 5 Years Ago

There Were Even Four (!!!) Of These Hanging Around!

Anyway, she's a natural, and seemed to have a great time. So, there is *definitely* an RV in my future! Pretty great little hour out over the Gulf of Mexico, flying out of KPIE. I even got to shoot a few T&G's, as it's been quite some time for me.
