Guy Prevost

Well Known Member
I'm sure most of you know this already, but you can go to Live and listen to the tower at Oshkosh over your computer. I couldn't wait to get the computer fired up this morning--I get sweaty palms just listening to all of that traffic. Here's a link:

I was thinking the exact same thing not 2 hours ago when I was listening to ATC. Maybe a few emails to EAA would make that happen for next year?
Doug's there, I think!

I was tracking Doug on the SPOT page and when he got close to Oshkosh I turned on the live feed from the ATC there. While listening I believe Doug was cleared to land on R27 right behind a King Air, at least it was an RV.

What an age to live in!
OK, I tried both links using Windows Media Player (Windows Vista &^$%) with Firefox and get this message:
Windows Media Player cannot play the file because a network error occurred. The server might not be available. Verify that you are connected to the network and that your proxy settings are correct.

I went to the web help page, and it provided instructions for checking the proxy settings (Tools, Options, Network tab), but the Firefox tabs do not follow this. I may just download another player (realplayer, etc) unless someone has a tip. Network is fine.

OK, I tried both links using Windows Media Player (Windows Vista &^$%) with Firefox and get this message:
Windows Media Player cannot play the file because a network error occurred. The server might not be available. Verify that you are connected to the network and that your proxy settings are correct.

I went to the web help page, and it provided instructions for checking the proxy settings (Tools, Options, Network tab), but the Firefox tabs do not follow this. I may just download another player (realplayer, etc) unless someone has a tip. Network is fine.

.............for me....:eek:
.............for me....:eek:
Same for me, and gives me the error message I mentioned. Was able to try autoconfigure proxy settings and also 'use browser proxy settings' - neither worked. Downloaded realplayer and all works well using it. Not the first time Windows Media Player failed me without an easy solution like a plug-in. Now that I am listening (an RV just landed), it is getting me pumped up! Will be there Wed am.
"Cessna... Pick up your speed...

You've got an RV behind you!" :p


Listening to Oshkosh this afternoon. Lots of RV's landing... or else ATC is calling all the low wings "RV's". A minute ago I did hear "Blue RV... uh... or blue low wing..." :D

Wish I was there... but fun listening to.

Oshkosh Tower Frequency

If you've never been to Airventure before, you'll notice one very obvious thing on these tower broadcasts. The pilots do not talk...(very often). The NOTAM is very specific about this. However, if there is a real need, you can ask the controller for info or confirmation. You can occasionally hear someone talking when they really shouldn't be. You'll also notice there are some pilot transmissions that are from EAA photo aircraft or IFR arrivals or other "special" pilots. And occasionally, the Tower will ask a question of a pilot.

Not meaning to start a "thou shalt or thou shalt not" thread, but if you listen, you'll soon see how professional the Oshkosh Tower controllers are. They are GOOD! When everybody follows the NOTAM, it really is a very efficient system.

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Listening to OSH Tower

You will also occasionally hear the tower controller informing pilots of the "NORDO" out there, and you can tell the controller is wondering where he/she is going. Interesting stuff.

In addition to a bunch of RV's (some may really be Mustangs or Thorps) there seem to be a lot of "Breezy's" being called out. They're kinda slow.

Oshkosh Tower on Frequency Friday?

I've tried two different PC's and two different links, with no luck. Is anyone able to listen to ATC at OSH this morning?
I've tried two different PC's and two different links, with no luck. Is anyone able to listen to ATC at OSH this morning?

I finally got it but it's not a clear connection, lots of static and it comes and goes. Anybody else able to hear it?