
Well Known Member
I see the awards are posted.

One of our friends from Cedar Rapids that was at the RV Builders picnic is listed as getting a Bronze Lindy Kit Built award. Congratulations go out to Mark Navratil for a great job on his RV8A. He sometimes post here I believe. I'm sure others are on the list also but Mark is a friend and I picked his name up while browsing over the list. Looks like several RV's in the list.

Here is a photo I shot for him on the way back from the Boone flyin.


Congrats to all the award winners!
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Congratulations to all the winners! Man, there where some nice lookin' planes.

They said there were between 500 to 550 RV's. (that's over 10% of the flying fleet)

And how do you compete with those Lancair paint jobs???? :confused:

I've got a bunch of picts I'm going to check out now.