Darren Kerns

Well Known Member
I am considering buying a Lightspeed Zulu 3 headset for Christmas.

I currently fly with a reconditioned LS 25XL headset. Been a great one but the sheathing over the wiring is coming off. Cannot complain. I have had it for years. Been a great headset and still is.

Just wondering if anybody has flown with the Zulu 3 headsets and really like them?

My wife and I just cannot stomach the A20 price.

Thanks to all
Darren Kerns
RV7 N599DT
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I have a bose X, an A20, and bought a Zulu 3 at OSH for the girlfriend as she hates both of the Bose headsets (comfort issue).

She loves the Zulu 3. It is more comfortable for her, sits better on her ears and head.

I prefer the A20. It fits me fine, and I feel the attenuation is better. I also like my old X better than the Zulu 3, but the Zulu is a fine headset. Just not my preference.

It's definitely a personal preference thing.
I had 3 original Zulus and have upgraded 2 of them to the Zulu 3. The 3 is a big enough improvement on the Zulu 1 that I upgraded the 2nd one after I tried out the first and I'll probably upgrade the third one rather than get it repaired. It will be a quantum improvement over your 25XL. I've been a LS customer since they started and continually upgraded. The original Zulu was a vast improvement over my XL. The Z1 was good but the Z3 has much better passive attenuation, the mic is improved, the Kevlar cord is a delight and the ANR is better yet. I can't compare it to Bose as I've never used one but the Zulu 3 is great.
I own a Zulu 3, but I actually prefer my Clarity Aloft when flying in my RV-8A. The Zulu 3 noise cancelling circuitry suppresses / distorts engine sounds non-linearly / irregularly, which grabs my attention unnecessarily. I like the Bose A20 when flying in my friend's certified / plush airplanes mainly because they are less bulky than the Zulu 3s..
Lightspeed has a 30 day money back offer. I picked up a Zulu 3 tried it, wasn't impressed enough to replace the Bose and sent it back. I might have had to pay shipping back but small price to pay to demo it in the environment I was flying in. It's a big investment, so I'd take advantage of there satisfaction guaranteed offers. I found the links and bose offers the same guarantee:


Thank Guys for all of the responses. I tried a Bose A20 on at OSH 2016. Loved it too.

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!!

Thanks Again
Darren Kerns
RV7 N599DT
I have a Bose20 and love it. You may want to consider a Bose/UFlyMike combo. I used one in the past with a QC2. Super lightweight and versatile. I don?t have the link for UFlyMike but I?m sure you can Google it.
Good luck,
Shane Adair
Two years ago I bought a Zulu 2 at OCH. Last year, I bought a Tango. This year I bought a Zulu 3.

My daughter has been using the Zulu 2 since February, she's having a problem with it randomly "shutting off". I'll be sending it in next week. But, she's had my Zulu 3 for about a month now and really likes it. She tried a friend's Bose A20. She said it seemed quieter, but not "quieter enough" to justify the price difference.

I use the Tango exclusively. It's not perfect, but it sure is convenient to not have to worry about tangling the wires. And it has only the rechargeable battery. It's recommended to charge it if you know you're going to be flying the next day. But, I haven't, and it's gone dead on me in the air, that sort of sucks. But that's my fault. A charge is good for about 12 hours.
For what it is worth, I just bought a Bose A20, a lot of the reason was that they seem to be very happy with hearing aids. They are great with hearing aids I found out.

I had an old LightSpeed and the plastic parts of the headset kept breaking. (old is the keyword - but still) Sent it into Lightspeed to fix, broke again and I threw in the trash.
Now I use Dave Clark NC and they are durable and work really well.
I spent all my money building an airplane and use my 25 YO David Clark, works for me, afraid to try one of these fancy new sets, still trying to get out of dept. :rolleyes:
Have Both

I have Zulu 3?s (ship powered) in the front of the 10 and A20?s (battery powered) in the back. The A20?s are probably a little quieter but the Zulu?s are more comfortable on my head and cover the entire ear. Cord management is much easier on the Zulu?s. Phone interface is seamless. I would buy the Zulu 3?s again.
Ships power beats batteries!!
I know you didn't ask this, but a friend of mine has Sierra's and his airplane partner has Zulu's. He says he can't tell the difference. As a result, I have Sierra's and really like them. Can't directly compare to the Zulu's myself, I have never tried them, but it is a $200 savings... and I really like the Sierra's. My backup is my old DC's, they are seemingly indestructible.

Bought three Lightspeeds over the years, but no more. The quality isn't there.
Zulu/BOSE Alternatives

After trying the BOSE A20 and Zulu 3, I still wasn't sold. So I tried the new David Clark One-X and kept it. The same price as the Zulu but noticeably higher construction quality, more comfortable for me and every bit as quiet as the others. Plus it comes with a neat clip to keep the control module secured out of the way.

Just another item to consider.


My Zulu 3 sets on my head for 8 hours a day. Was in my buddy's plane the other day for a wee little trip of 2 hours. Bose in his plane. My elephant ears wouldn't fit in the cups. Couldn't wait to get those things off my head.
It's hard to beat Lightspeed customer support. When you call you are talking to a real aircraft person, not an operator at a huge audio corporation. That being said:

It really does come down to a personal choice. Try on and fly. Try on and fly. I have half a dozen headsets and prefer the A 20 to the Z3. I have friends who own A20's who like the Zulu 3s and want to change. I have friends with the Zulu 3 who want to change to the A20. Others yet are vehemently loyal to their first choice. Go figure. By the way, the Lightspeed Sierras are awesome if you have room for their increased bulk. I have 2 Sierras. Perfect for passengers. I found the Bose A20 LEMOs (Bose Interface panel powered) with coil cords to be my sweet spot. Mainly because my mooching buddies (ni T-Hangar Mafia) are always borrowing headsets and can't make good use of a LEMO plug. Bless their hearts and grubby hands. And then the coil cord works awesome in cockpits like Aviat Husky and other tandem seaters without tangling in the controls. Now I know why helicopter headsets always have coil cords. I even have a set of Clarity Alofts I specifically bought for a Pitts S1 we had with tight head room. I now use them in my RV-3B with tight head room and just leave them in there. But when space isn't an issue I opt for the Bose A20s every time.

I suppose the above ramblings don't help much with definitive advice. I will say this. When I ferry an aircraft or go to pick a new one up I take an A20, as it is my defacto compatible and useful tool.

I am remiss in giving the David Clark units a new try since steering away from them years ago. Maybe I am missing my perfect headset here. DC are very high quality as a rule.

Again. Try and fly the top tier models. Personal preference is a big part of headset satisfaction.

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Bought three Lightspeeds over the years, but no more. The quality isn't there.

Same here. I like my A20 slightly better than the AKG AV100 and a LOT better the the Lightspeed PFX.

Top of the line ANR headsets are like underwear. Everyone will have a preference as to what is best for them.
acquired quite a few Lightspeed Zulu headsets along the way. Will keep using them and may even send them for repair but doubt I will ever purchase new. Better solutions out there for less in my own particular opinion.
Thank You

First, I want to Thank Everyone who made comments. I absolutely love this site. I learn so much from all of you.

I flew my 7 last night with my LS 25XL and it sounded so great. I told my wife they are going to do for now. She just laughed and told me I am so indecisive.
She is right. I just want to spend the money on some 100LL.

I hope Santa puts some extra money under the tree.

Again, Thank You all for your comments. It is an honor to be among all of you.

Darren & Traci Kerns
RV7 N599DT
Top of the line ANR headsets are like underwear. Everyone will have a preference as to what is best for them.

Well said Gary. And after a particularly hairy landing (or every landing in a Pitts) personal effects like underwear and headsets ought nevermore be loaned to a friend.
