
Well Known Member

I've got an old Lightspeed 30-3G, and it pops and crackles on climb when the noise is highest. I think this is typical of the 3G series because I've made notes even years ago about the same thing using a different pair, but not with the older XL series. I'm thinking of upgrading them to something new, but I'm looking for a budget (not close to $1000) option.

I've typically had good luck with Lightspeed, and I see they have the Sierra for $650, minus a $200 credit if I trade in the 30-3G. Has anyone tried those in the RV? Any issues with popping and crackling noise during climb?

Can you recommend anything else in the same or lower price category that would be better?

I bought some Zulu 2's used from an avionics shop. You can buy them used online for $475. They are a bit higher quality than than the sierra, I believe, and I really like mine. So does my wife -she steals them when she flies with me.

They have Bluetooth, which is a nice feature. My only complaint is that the ear seals tend to tear easily. Also, if you buy used you won't have a warranty.

Thanks. I didn't think to look at used Zulu 2 units. Might be an option, but I do like buying new if possible, just not when it's $850+ :)

I have two Sierras for passengers, two zulus for the wife and myself. The zulus fit my head better (the adjustment mechanisms are different), the zulus are a bit lighter, and imho sound a bit better. But only you can decide what feels good on your ears, and what it?s worth. Try to borrow some and try them on, before spending money.
My Lightspeed 30-3G doesn't seem to produce a pop-crackle during climb or any other phase of flight in the RV9A.

It's likely your plane and environment are different, and you noted that it's also happened with another set, but is it possible an adjustment by Lightspeed could solve the issue as well? They've provided me some excellent customer service in the past. Might be one avenue to try.
Thanks for the zulu/sierra comments Bob. I really don't fly enough to need the ultimate headset, but I've got to get rid of the popping and crackling, and the BT music input might be nice to have as well.

As for the 3G, I went through this with Lightspeed years ago, and one of the reasons I like them is their customer service. Sadly, after sending them back once or twice they never found anything wrong, and it was determined that the high noise environment was maybe just too much for them. Back then, the solution was to downgrade to 25XL's which worked fine. The funny thing is that I had forgotten about all that, and a year or so ago I picked up a used set of 30-3G's... Memory is a terrible thing to waste :)

I have 2 pairs of Sierra's. Very comfortable and quiet. Only drawback as mentioned earlier is they are on the big side. Don't really notice with them on. I'd buy them again. Bluetooth works good. I have received calls while flying and the person on the other end says they can't tell I'm in a noisy plane.
Thanks. I'm probably going to give them a try. I can't believe they're any larger than the 30-3G set I have, so that shouldn't be a problem.

My .02

I have both a generation 3 Sierra and a Zulu 3 + a bunch of older PNR headsets. I use both pretty regularly depending on what seat I am in. I am currently flying 172s and a few LSAs. I hate the shoulder belt hitting the boom for the mic when looking over my shoulder (3 point harnesses). Note that the Zulu 3 only can be used with the mic on the left side. Sierra can rotate to be used left or right.

I can tell the weight difference if I hold them both in my hands. My 45 year old head cant tell the difference when I wear them.

I really cant hear a difference in the audio quality; even with one ear cup from each headset on my head. Yes I probably looked like an idiot when I did that during a run up. I have switched in flight to the other headset with no noticeable difference.

The Zulu 3s does eat batteries slightly faster than the sierra. I use bluetooth every flight to my iPad for foreflight. About 30 hours of use is all I get, but I am using the cheapo Harbor Freight or grocery store AAs

The zulu case is much nicer if you are one to lug headsets back and forth to the airport. Looking to buy a different case for my sierras at SnF this year.

As noted earlier the mic on the Sierra will work on both sides. After a year I had issues with the mic cutting out on the Sierras. My guess was from too many major spins of the boom (left to right side). Lightspeed covered under warranty in under 10 days from start to finish.

When my next PNR goes bad, I am going to replace it with a Sierra. I really don't see / hear the difference $200 makes.

I have tried them all in my Husky which is a lot louder and nothing beats the Bose ANR. Cant beat the comfort either. I tried Lightspeeds and sent them back as I could not even hear ATC
Thanks for the great comments! I ordered the Sierra's a little while ago, and with the trade it will "only" cost me $470, so I think this will be a pretty good deal for the money. I arranged to have them send me the new ones first, then credit the trade-in when I return the old ones. This way I can do some comparison, and make sure I want the Sierra's before losing the 3Gs.
