
Active Member
I have a set of the 20 G3's and the noise cancellation works fine but I have a hard time understanding all but the nearest/loudest transmissions. I sent them back to Lightspeed and they replaced the controls but it didn't seem to help. Are there any adjustments I can make or should I send them back again? :confused:
There are no user adjustments on the headset.

Are you sure it isn't something else? Have you plugged another set into the system?

:confused: CJ
Captain_John said:
There are no user adjustments on the headset.

Are you sure it isn't something else? Have you plugged another set into the system?

I'm thinking audio panel / antennas / radio, unless another headset works fine.

foggy now but i had a problem and called light speed and was told to switch from stereo to mono. fixed the problem. have had them for three years. then it took me a while to realize the radar interfered every sweep.
The combination of mono/stereo intercom and/or headsets will definitly cause a problem. Unless everything is stereo (including your old PCA headset), try switching it to mono and see how it works.
Switch Models

I had some type of interferrence using my 3G in an Alarus. I just could not get the volume needed to hear.

After three trips back to Lightspeed, they still had the problem, so I asked them to send me the 20XL model (one step down) and credit the difference.

They worked great, but I never did find out why the 3G's didn't work. I wonder if it was the mono/stereo settings?

Lightspeed's customer service is fantastic.

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stereo/mono switch

I haven't been to the airport to check the stero/mono switch but my old headset was stero capable and if the switch was on stereo I would only get sound from one side as my intercom is not stereo. I will check it and post my findings.
Captain_John said:
There are no user adjustments on the headset.
Don't say so. At least 30G has microphone gain control just where microphone capsule is located (under the soft stuff). It's not mentioned anywhere but can be easily adjusted if needed -- our headset microphone was set very low level and micrphone gain had to be increased to make headsets usable.

If I recall correctly, also 20G has same kind of control for microphone gain. However I don't see, how this would solve original problem. :eek: