
Well Known Member
For those of us who built the early wing kits (mine is #121) and want to put in the NEW lighting kit with nifty blue connectors...you'll need to call Vans and order the Lighting Upgrade Kit (about $80). For another $7 or so, you can get the new connector and bracket for the Empennage (trim servo).

I spent a fair amount of time with Dale, Van's parts manager I believe, this afternoon while he researched and found the kit. It isn't on their catalog so you may need to ask for Dale to have him identify the kit if the Order Desk person you talk to doesn't know about it.

Without the Kit parts, drill template and Section 31A documentation, what happens is that you work part way thru Section 40 and run into a discussion of the connectors that you were supposed to have installed (but didn't have) back on Page 16-04. Then you waste a bunch of time looking for said parts that are not on any list you've inventoried. Then you have some Jack Daniel's to calm your frustration. Don't drink in frustration! Call Dale, get the Lighting Upgrade Kit and enjoy your Jack Daniel's knowing that your parts are on the way.
Lighting upgrade: or "How I out-smarted myself!"

Today I started work on the lighting upgrade kit. Reading ahead I saw that I would need to use the template at the end of this chapter. Rather then use the template in the plans I went online and printed that page from the website. How smart is that? Not very!

You see, when I did this I took for granted that the printer would maintain the same size and shapes as the original. This is close to true, within 1/16 of an inch anyway. :-(

Long story short, I didn't put 2 and 2 together until after I'd competed the light cutout and had started on the wing-tip. The cutout on the template I was using was not the right size, nor after further investigation was the lighting hole or the rivet holes. All are off by the same amount with a cummulative effect of over 1/8 inch.

Without another strategy, I'll need to remove the w-1203-R wing skin and do over, unless someone out there has a smarter idea to share...

Moral of the story, use the template provided by Van's!


So happy you are building again, but, sorry to hear of your dilemma. Will have to call if I ever decide to install the lights. Are you coming to OSH?
Hey Marty!

Yeah, I'm back at it. Skyview installed, motor mounted and now lighting upgrade. Dang it's tough making a goof like this. I need to wait and call Van's on Monday and order a new wing skin. On the brighter side, I'll get lots of experience drilling out rivets.

I can't come to Oshkosh this year, but maybe next year. My goal is to be flying before the end of summer.

re: printed template

Based on my very recent experience, the lens material provides a LOT of leeway for misplaced holes. The challenge will be to make the "slightly off" holes work with the existing Backing Strips with Nut plates for the lens, and the short ribs that mount the landing light. Making replacement Backing Strips for the lens would be fairly easy, and would be preferable to removing an entire skin IMHO.

Making the mounting ribs work with the misplaced holes could be a challenge.
Might want cleco it up and see.

IMHO, having slightly oversized holes (as long as the rivet covers them) or even drilling extra holes so that in effect you've "double riveted" some placed in those little ribs would be better i.e. less work AND stronger structure than drilling out and re-riveting an entire skin. As always, you'd want a concurrence from Van's. I'm sure (hope) other's with more expertise in structures will weigh in also.
Good luck,