
Well Known Member
I am at the stage of deciding on lighting. I am building an 8A and have the newer wing tips. I would prefer to use the wing tips and not cut holes in the leading edge of my wings. I want night capability. But I am undecided on strobes. I think I would prefer the weight (and cost) savings of not using them.
What are you guys using within these constraints? I have seen the LED position lights from Creativeair (sp?). Anyone using them?
I am trying to get my shopping list ready for SNF. :)
I am not positive, but I think that if you don't have strobe lighting you will need to have a beacon light.

Anyone that knows the regs. better want to comment?

Far 23


Airworthiness standards for lighting require you have 3 position lights (left, right, and rear) and one or more approved anti-collision lights. The anti-collision lights must be either aviation red or aviation white, have a flashing frequency of at least 40 but no more than 100 cycles per minute, be visible 360 degrees around the airplane and 75 degrees above and below the horizontal plane (small obstructions allowed), and meet minimum light and effective intensities. Check with your DAR, ABDAR, FSDO, or whoever will be inspecting your plane to make sure they agree (since in the end it's their opinion that counts), but I would say anything you have that meets those requirements, strobes or otherwise, will work. The anti-collision light specs come from FAR 23.1401, and all lighting (instrument, taxi and landing, position, riding, and anti-collision) is covered in 23.1381 through 23.1401.

BTW, anyone can look up the FARs online using the e-CFR website.

Hope this helps.
Actually, a minor point, for experimentals, if you do not fly at night, then you do not need any lights. If you do, then you have to meet the full standards. Since you want to fly at night the strobe and nav lights are all require equipment.
