
Active Member
Hello everyone! Newbie here. I was about to purchase the Empennage and the Wing Kit for the RV-14 and I was wondering about the lighting kits that are available through Vans. Listed under the options are the AeroLED LN-210 Suntail unit and then the AeroLED NS90 unit for the wings. Are these lighting kits good units or should I look at a different Type or Brand. I didn?t what to order these if there are better units out there.
I don't disagree with Tom23, but do keep in mind that the 14 is literally years more advanced than other "kits". Vans has designed through the electrical systems and has connectors specified all the way through. Do your homework, but be aware of the value of their wiring advancements and preselected connectors and their locations.

You can not believe the headaches of selecting and procuring the various connectors and having crimping tools on hand for 5 different terminal types.

Buy, snap, and secure really sounds good with a year of electrical work behind me.

Just my 2 cents.
Since the Empennage Kit will be the first one I purchase I don't need to get the Strobe/Position Lighting kit in order to finish this section. I can build the entire kit and then go back and install the light kits at a later date?

Hello everyone! Newbie here. I was about to purchase the Empennage and the Wing Kit for the RV-14 and I was wondering about the lighting kits that are available through Vans. Listed under the options are the AeroLED LN-210 Suntail unit and then the AeroLED NS90 unit for the wings. Are these lighting kits good units or should I look at a different Type or Brand. I didn?t what to order these if there are better units out there.

LEDs are rapidly advancing due to development for general home lighting replacements.

This is driving down cost and improving efficiency. It probably should be one of the last things you purchase before flight.

Luckily, since the current required is going on a downward trend, any wires you put in now will still be good when you are ready to fly. :)
Saw this at the AeroLeds booth at OSH yesterday. This unit has the taxi light, landing light, NAV light, and strobe light all in one. It is mounted in a RV7 wing tip for display but will fit in the 14 to. Makes the in wing landing light obsolete.:D
I agree things are changing rapidly. Wait as long as you can to purchase them.:cool:

Perfect product for...

So, if this product works well, it would leave a possibility open that I have been thinking about. Mount this in each wing tip, now the pre-cut hole is available to mount...a camera behind the plexi...maybe come up with a hinged frame for easy access, or install a wired camera that never needs to be removed?
Those AeroLED lighting combos loos awesome. I?m the type of guy that believes in the ?You get what you pay for? stand point. I?m not familiar with all the different Lighting Manufactures. Would you say AeroLED is a leader in this category or would is there someone else that manufactures a better lighting system?
Not to be too contrary here...

Hello everyone! Newbie here. I was about to purchase the Empennage and the Wing Kit for the RV-14 and I was wondering about the lighting kits that are available through Vans. Listed under the options are the AeroLED LN-210 Suntail unit and then the AeroLED NS90 unit for the wings. Are these lighting kits good units or should I look at a different Type or Brand. I didn?t what to order these if there are better units out there.

I agree with everyone re the development of LED lights. Prices will only go down. But, it seemed to me that the best time to do the tail light was during construction. So I went ahead and ordered the sun tail light with my Emp. Definitely waiting on the rest though.