
Well Known Member
Ok, so I pulled the string in the wing. Unfortunately it appears that in the move between hangars it has gone MIA. I am not happy about this situation. I searched and could really only find one ref to someone who used a plumbing snake to get through the grommets from the wing root out to the LED's. I am curious if anyone else has any ideas, short of opening the wing back up. I really don't want to do that :)

If nothing else works, here is an untried idea. And I do not know how feasible it is. Stand the wing on its wingtip with the heavy spar end suspended from a hangar ceiling. Drop a nylon fish line with a weight (sinker) on the end down through the grommets. Good luck.
I had my wings finished before the lighting kit came available, so understand your concern. I didn't have the "missing string" problem though. Almost anything that is long, straight, skinny and stiff will push a string or wire thru the grommets for you. First step is to cut the hole for the landing light lense and for the access hole below the wingtip LEDs. These holes will give you the access you need for everything else. The landing light hole in particular shortens the distance that you have to fish in from the wing root. BTW, I cut the ferrules off an old fly rod and used it to push a string back thru the empennage. Something similar should work for getting thru your wing grommets. No worries!
Kit 121 sloooow build
N951DZ reserved.
What I did...


I built an -7, so I don't know if this would work or not on the 12, and even if it does, I don't know how well it works after the wing is closed. On the 7, I was able to slide a long piece of (I think) 1/2" PVC pipe into the grommets. I did this when the wing was still open, so it was pretty easy. Once in place, I used some RTV to hold it permanently. After the PVC is in place, you tie a cotton ball on the end of a string, hook up a shopvac to one end of the pipe, and voila, string through pipe. Hopefully, this gives you some ideas.

Good luck,

Nylon Raceway

I know this wont help you now.

This is the left wing. the nylon tube is for the left landing light and wing tip light.

The snap bushing in the front is for the wires to the GAP 26-20 AOA, a nylon tube will be installed in this bushing, for the wires to the heated GAP 26

The two small holes behind the installed nylon tube will have snap bushing for the two 1/4" tubes to the GAP 26

I am building the wings last to accommodate the Fuel Tanks.

Note: The doubled ribs behind the spar for the fuel tanks.

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Thanks for the suggestions guys. I briefly tried some stiff wire yesterday, but from the wing root vice from the outboard hole. I am going to cut the hole and try the other way in.

What did you secure the string to at the wingtip end? Tape? Are you worried about cutting the wingtip for the lights and not having the string there? It should still be there. When you cut the hole for the light you should be able to go in with a dowel with a bunch of sticky tape on the end and grab it. Is the string at the root end of the wing?
Bill I used bright orange string and taped in at both ends. I am about 90% sure it isn't in there from what I can see looking down from the trailing edge of the wing. I am sure I can get something straight through there and make it work. I think it will be easier once I get that hole cut.

Did you run conduit? If so tape a cotton ball to the end, and suck it through with a vacuum. Long wooden dowel from home depot?
Fish Stick, Fiberglass, Length 4 ft. to 12 ft., Pole Diameter 1/4 In

I have a set of fiberglass rods that screw together and are 12 foot long and they fit in the 375-4 snap bushing that van uses in the wing
These are very nice to have in your tool inventory.

If they don't go all the way in lift the rod up and down they will teeter-tauter up and down in the snap bushings

I also used these rods to install the cables in the tail cone, not the strings that van calls for.

Take a look at this link

Joe D
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OK, I actually had to do this. I had restored an old '50's cop car with the old whip antenna. I noticed when unfurled it went dead straight the full length. Removed it from car, ground down the button on the end to fit in those tiny Vans RV-12 wing grommets, cut a groove in the button with Dremel. Epoxied string in the groove and with a helper holding a flashlight, guided the string into the series of grommets out to the light.

Found the antenna through a radio club, ran $20 IIRC. Good luck.

flying 305 hours
RV-12 #264
Harbor Freight sells a multi-piece, fiberglass, electricians pole. It is like a fishing rod but without the eyelets. You may be able to fish it through the holes.
Electrical Fish Tape / Pole

You may want to try an electrical fish pole. If it is a straight run they work very well. Harbor Freight, Home Depot, Amazon have them.