
Well Known Member
I was deburring F-1019L (one of the luggage ribs for the RV-10) and discovered 2 cracks in one of the lightening holes and 1 crack in another. The longest one is approx 1/8 inch long. Wondering if these are "dressable" or if the part needs to be replaced. Also wondering if this is a regular occurrence since this is the first time I've run across something like this.

A forum search turned up a problem with lightening holes in HS ribs on the -12 where Van's was sending out "repaired" ribs.

I'll try to get a photo (or at least a link) added shortly.

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The cracks could be caused by stress from being pressed in the die. I would call Vans and see if you can get a replacement. Secondly, do a critical check on the others - probably before you call.

Hi Jeff... I had almost the same exact problem but on a sister part, the F-1020-R baggage floor rib, and it was just for a single crack. I wrote about it in the last half of this blog entry from June of last year. I called Vans and then later sent them an email with photos of my stop-drill repair, and got the green light from them on what I did. They did also point out the RV-12 issue and sent me this link to their SB:

Since you have two cracks in one hole, maybe that's worth a call to see about a replacement part... although I have no idea myself if that wold make a difference. It was a bit disappointing to have a cracked part, but hey, I suppose it happens. Hope this info helps!! -Mike
that's krap. get a replacement. it should not have been sent to you like that and it should not be your burden and your cost to fix it.
that's krap. get a replacement. it should not have been sent to you like that and it should not be your burden and your cost to fix it.

I agree completely. You should not have to do any work whatsoever to fix a manufacturing problem like that. They will likely send a new part no questions asked.
Thanks for all the responses. I've sent an email to the mother ship. I'll let you know what I find out.

FWIW, my wife discovered a crack in the lightening hole of another rib, and upon further inspection, I found a crack in another hole. So, for those of you keeping score at home, that's 2 ribs, 4 holes, 5 cracks.

Going to be a beautiful day for priming parts today. Not many days like that in February in Indiana. :(

UPDATE: Make it 3 ribs, 6 holes, and 7 cracks. Still no word from the Mother Ship.
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You gave money in return for airworthy parts. They'll probably send replacements without a fuss.

This causes me to wonder about the QB kits. If cracked ribs are making it out the door to Indiana, are they also going to the Philippines?