
Well Known Member
Driving in to work this morning, wondering what is happening at the FAA with my medical, I started thinking about the Light Sport Pilot and Light Sport Aircraft initiative. So I just wanted to throw this out for discussion and thought.....

Theres no kit I like as much as Vans series but none fit the LSA limitations. So my thought was that, were I king for a day (instead of a court jester most days) I would have a Vans design thats LSA compatible.

Why would I think thats a good idea? Several reasons

1) Vans has a huge base of dedicated and loyal customers. But time does march on...and some will lose medicals as they get older yet still want to fly. If Vans had an LSA, then those previous RV drivers might jump at the chance to get back into the air with Vans product

2) Most things I have read indicate that the LSP initiative is a way to bring younger folks, and those who arent sure they want to lay out the time and money for a full PPL. If there was an available Vans plane that fit their flying mission profile then they might go for it....and get hooked then get the PPL and step up to a regular Vans design.

3) The only other aluminum plane that I found that meets the LSA is the Zenith 601. Some like it, some dont.....but it would be another choice in the market place.

So there's my .02 on that topic.

Rv5 ?

Wasn't that what the RV5 was? I think it had a Rotax or something like that as an engine.

Check out the Sonex for something a little more sporty than the Zodiac.

Good luck on the medical. That seems to be a popular topic at the airport these days, getting the medical back. :eek:
LSA and Van's Aircraft...Sonex and the RV-5

I've been to the Sonex factory for a weekend workshop. Last I heard, if you don't install the 6-cylinder Jabiru, the Sonex could qualify as an LSA. But you should check with the Sonex factory to make sure. I understand the Sonex is very responsive like an RV but it's probably not a good cross-country flier; but if you're thinking LSA, you're probably not planning much cross-country anyway.

I asked Van at Oshkosh one time about the RV-5. There was a photo of it in the RV-ator several years ago. It was a concept that Van evaluated...single place, Rotax engine, light weight, swing wing (!) for easy transport...hmmmm...sounds like it could have been an LSA. Who knows? The lights might be burning late at Aurora tonight getting the RV-5 plans dusted off in preparation for a production run. Then again the prototype may be hoisted up in the rafters of Van's old workshop accumulating dust and critters. Looks like Van may have been ahead of the times on the RV-5.
Don Hull
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Youre right...I had forgotten all about the Sonex. I just checked out the web page and they do talk about it being LSA. Is it pulled rivets like the 601? Couldnt tell.

Maybe I've just got RV-itis or something but that little Sonex just doesnt appeal to me personally like the clean proportional lines of an RV. ;)
LSA and Van's Aircraft...Sonex and the RV-5

Yes the Sonex is rivetted with pulled rivets.

Don Hull
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I went to the RV-3/4/8 forum in Oshkosh and this same question came up about whether or not Van's will be offering a LS airplane kit. He said that he has no plans to do so, but would consider it if enough people asked for it. I don't think Van will be persuaded to so. However, that was probably said of a side-by-side version (RV-6/6A) of his plane and a non-aerobatic version (RV-9/9A) before he gave in and decided to do it.
There are several really nice factory builts that are LSA. They are real performing aircraft too. I just sold my TL Sting. The price is way out of sight on a new one though over $80K. One that comes to mind is an Alegro 2000. its a high wing, but the price and operation is cheap! $45K complete! RTF (ready to fly) 100HP Rotax. Cruise is 120knts. Burns car gas. They are building a factory in the US to do final assembly. Right now they are importing them in. E-mail me if you are interested. I know the dealer.
ericwolf said:
I went to the RV-3/4/8 forum in Oshkosh and this same question came up about whether or not Van's will be offering a LS airplane kit. He said that he has no plans to do so, but would consider it if enough people asked for it. I don't think Van will be persuaded to so. However, that was probably said of a side-by-side version (RV-6/6A) of his plane and a non-aerobatic version (RV-9/9A) before he gave in and decided to do it.

I remember when he stated he had no plans for a 4 place airplane. He could just be trying to misdirect the competition. Or like any stubborn dutchman (which I am and can say) just needs to see the dollars and sense of it. (pun intended)
Appreciate the post Geico. I have seen a number of planes of that type that are LSA compliant but that design is not my favorite. I did check out the site and it seems very reasonable. My one thought in buying a RTF with a ROTAX is qualfied A&Ps.....I KNOW they can all work on a Lyc but how many are good with ROTAXES?
Well what do you know?......just logged on the the home page and I see that there may in fact be an LSA from Vans in the future!

My physcial is next week so I guess thats gonna be my fork in the road! Actually it will be after the FAA Docs get around to reviewing it....based on my experience with their timeliness I guess I'll know one way or the other about the same time as the new Vans LSA debuts in late 06! :(
Be careful on the flight physical. If you fail it, you can't automatically go get the Sport Pilot license. You need to go through hoops to get it. If you just not renew your medical, you can downgrade to the Sport Pilot Status.


Roberta is correct. If you flunk your medical then the FAA says you are not fit to fly with any of the licenses they issue. It may take hoops to go through to get it back or there may be a brick wall. This is what the FAA guy said here in Houston at one of our recent EAA Chapter meetings. It is early in the process so if the FAA is on their usual track there are more apt to be brick walls in this early phase. :(
George & Roberta

Youre absolutely right. In fact, I should have said I was going next week to get the additional tests the FAA asked for from my initial physical which is what I am really doing. (the first doc saw light in my left ear when he shined a light in my right ear.....who knew that was a bad thing!!?? :p

Isnt it ironic that there seems to be a catch 22? If I am healthy enough to drive a vehicle then the FAA says I can fly LSA, but if I miss qualifying medically for the CL III then I also am knocked out of going for the LSA....does that make me unsafe to drive a vehicle?

I know this LSA thing is still new and I know they're working through the system as it gets in place. In the meantime I remain in limbo....continue taking lessons in the 172 or go ahead and find sometime teaching Sport Pilot and go that route.....but heck until the FAA is satisfied neither is an option.

Shoot.....all I wanted to do was build a cool aluminum plane called an RV in my garage. :D
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