
Well Known Member
Can anyone comment on the value of "Light Plane Maintenance" magazine? I get solicited to subscribe but I've never spoken to anyone who has a subscription or an opinion about the value of the magazine for our homebuilts. I'm already subscribed to the usual suspects (Kitplanes, AOPA Pilot, etc)

It's OK

I subscribed just to find out how useful it might be. On the whole, I dont think I will resubscribe. It seems more geared to the Cessna, Piper crowd.
What Nitty said. I have found Aviation Consumer to be more useful.

However, I don't subscribe to either one anymore.
I agree with the other guys.... decided to try it and if I had a Piper of Cessna it might be worth the cost.... for experimentals, not so much
I had a Piper and didn't find it worth the expense. Most of the topics are covered on sites like VAF and much more timely and valuable.
As others have said, I subscribed for a couple of years when i owned a Cessna. I found that the content went in a circle, with subjects repeating every year or so. There is not much new news regarding older, certified aircraft.

John Clark ATP, CFI
FAAST Team Representative
EAA Flight Advisor
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"

2014 Dues in the mail
Wow! Looks like everyone agrees and I don't have to reinvent the wheel. I'll pass on the subscriptions and spend the money on my donations to VAF :)

Thanks all!
I must say, some of the certified type-X clubs/magazines are quite boring. They're more interested in properly doing paperwork than they are improving much of anything.

The RV crowd is lightyears ahead.
I must say, some of the certified type-X clubs/magazines are quite boring. They're more interested in properly doing paperwork than they are improving much of anything.

The RV crowd is lightyears ahead.

I think the FAA and Form 337's have a lot to do with that...:)
I find LPM worthwhile

I'm not an A & P nor do I have the years of experience owning and maintaining my own aircraft that many of the VAFer's do. I'm building a -8.

I find LPM to be extremely valuable and although expensive, have been a subscriber for years. I have noticed them mentioning experimental aircraft in their articles more and more often.

Even some of the Cessna / Piper /certified specific articles are educational and applicable. I learn something new from every issue.

They have a great annual article index. I don't see it on-line, but that might be better marketing tool than the sample articles. And be much more helpful for people trying to decide.

I also subscribe to Aviation Consumer and don't find it very useful. I keep thinking I should drop it, but seem to just keep on renewing for the few gems I do get out of it.

P. Happ
N446PH (reserved)
Sad news

Sadly I got a letter that said the past Septs issue was the last. I'll miss this little rag. It was by far my favorite subscription. When AOPA, EAA, Hot Rod languished by the pot for months unopened, this one I read from cover to cover each month. Nuggets of gold from oldtimers that you could get nowhere else.

Godspeed guys.
Reading through this old thread with the new comment was interesting. Most people saying they had it and dropped it for various reasons, then the post that it has been dropped. Cause and affect. I actually just spent part of the evening reading rough the most recent AOPA Pilot. The feature articles I pretty much skip, but I like a lot of S short articles towards the back. I don't always read this or Sport Aviation, but I enjoy picking through them from time to time. And, since I want to remain an EAA and AOPA member, getting the mag is a good bonus.
LPM out of business?

I liked Light Plane Maintenance. A little pricey when you didn't get a discount though.

So you're saying it's gone now? I received no such letter.

A search online went directly to Aviation Consumer.
Yes its gone. Id post a pic of the letter I got, but I dont have a drop box acct and not going to bother.

However, heres the first two paras of the letter:

"Dear Reader,
Thank you for your support of LPM. As a reader of this pub you recognize and appreciate the effort crafted into long standing works.
After 38yrs of publication, we have decided to suspend publication. The sept issue was our last. A swindling subscriber base and increased costs are forcing this decision - not and easy one to make....."

It then goes onto say that your existing subscription is converted to Aviation Consumer (which after reading the first issue they sent me it'll hit the recycle bin quick).


OK. I did receive the letter yesterday. Just got the mail today. The more I think about it, I guess the cost was fair, considering the technical info that went into LPM. In my head I was just looking at it in comparison to "other" magazine costs.

Adios LPM.
I see you discussing the magazine LPM, but what about the book series on 7 books Light Plane Maintenance Library ?
