Bryan Wood

Well Known Member
How far can you throw the paper airplane? My best so far is 9.87 meters. Trying to figure out how to get it out the window for some real distance. ;)
Edit: Out the window, loop, past buildings and onto the grass and a Lear parks next to it. 48.53 meters

Blue Skies,
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Out the Window! took "a few throws"...38.702 Meters! :D

Reminds me of a paper airplane contest my Aerospace Engineering Department sponsored back at school, on Engineers Day. We had two categories - longest distance, and longest time aloft. Us Aero guys spent months working on design, testing them, refining thm....then we held the competition in the atrium of the Architecture Building - two stories, a balcony - nice place.

The Architecture Students walked away with both trophies! Longest distance? They wadded up the sheet of paper into a tight ball and pitched it all the way across the space. Longest time? They grabbed a sheet of the lightest tissue paper, and wafted it out there - stayed up for a minute or more!

The moral? When you hold a paper airplane contest, print the rules on a sheet of paper - and require the airplane be made out of that sheet. And that it have a lifting surface.... :rolleyes:
Well, all I can say is I'm much better at flying real airplanes than this bloody thing... :mad:

EDIT: Disregard my last...


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56.44 ... and it won't last long I know :)

Bryan Wood said:
How far can you throw the paper airplane? My best so far is 9.87 meters. Trying to figure out how to get it out the window for some real distance. ;)
Edit: Out the window, loop, past buildings and onto the grass and a Lear parks next to it. 48.53 meters

Blue Skies,
I don't believe it did this!! I have other stuff to be doing.

But I did reach 56.44. :D
Out of sight...

When I was at university (many years ago... :) ...) the EEs were made to take mechanical drawing... and in the pre-CAD days (20 years before the PC...) we used this funny stuff called paper, and carbon pencils on large drafting boards...

The drafting room was on the 9th floor of a building on a hill, and in England, the windows actually opened.... :cool:

The EEs discovered that the heavy Quad Demy (quaint English size - 35 x 45 inches - no wimpy tracing paper) made great paper aeroplanes.... and launched from the 9th floor we had many 3 ft plus gliders going out of sight over the city of Liverpool, some finding good updrafts... :D

gil in Tucson - wasted youth with beer and aeroplanes...
I'm IN

OK, cup of coffee in hand, work sitting at my desk to be done............gotta make some play money..........throwing paper airplanes a measly 45.612. That dang chimney didn't give me the updraft I was hoping for:)
Had to EDIT my original post! I bested my morning long throw! From 41.045 to 102.081! Whoohoo! Yep, I'm bored at work... :rolleyes:

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must get back to work but . . .

61.673 m and it only took about 15 minutes. I guess I better keep after it since I haven't wasted enough time yet.