
Well Known Member
Just read Jim Potter's post in "first flights".

Congratulations Jim, 940 lb. And that is with Classic Aero interior, a full paint job and 2 x 10" Skyview screens. Our 9a came in at 893 lb but that was with no paint, one D180 screen and not much else on the panel and the lightest cloth seat covers I could get done. I know the dedication it took to get our 9a down to the weight we got ours and Jim has matched that I believe with his build. Because the interior, paint and Skyviews would make up the extra 47 lb's that his weighs. Well done Jim.

Wow - I guess my 9A is very American - obese

At 1140 lbs with paint (base coat/clear coat), fuel injected, dual pmags, Fixed pitch, full Classic Aero interior, dual glass w/ some analog back-up, it needs a diet - maybe a sawzall:eek: At 180 lbs, I could lose 15lbs to help my numbers or just build a 14:)
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If you look at the gross weight versus light weight performance numbers from Vans, you can see that you don't lose much performance by carrying the extra pounds - but you will sacrifice useful load unless you expand your MTOW.
Congratulations Jim, 940 lb. And that is with Classic Aero interior, a full paint job and 2 x 10" Skyview screens....

He also reported using an IO-233 - I'd be interested in looking at some performance numbers using this new engine. Most RV-9/9As seem to be using the O-320 family of engines.