
Well Known Member
Looking for reviews of the Revere comfort max continuous wear life jacket. Anyone have information about these ?
I have two for our trips to the Keys and such.
Seem fine, but I've never had to use them!:)

We have used them for our last trip through the Caribbean islands and found them as comfortable as possible for a trip like that. We didn't have to use them either. In conjunction with the flotation device I highly recommend a PLB. That's a lot of water out there.


I have my passengers wear this type, there are many brands, all similar as they meet coast guard specs I imagine.
Generally they recommend not to use the auto-inflate type, as this buoyancy may trap you inside the aircraft.
I took an egress course, and we had to escape thru a simulated C 170 window. you would NOT make it with a vest inflated, and our aircraft, similarly, may have a broken canopy hole with sharp edges etc.
a link to a discussion I started with an example of a fly-fishin vest with inflatable collar, and lots of pockets of course.
this thing gets kinda sweaty after a while, as you are essentially wearing a plastic bag around your neck, but the fit is nicer than the suspender type in the back of the neck, where the seatbelt harness is competing for space over your shoulders etc.

If you do go with just the suspenders, I've seen a few with pouches, or you can just velcro strap a PLB, whistle, light, seatbelt cutter etc. to a convenient part of the harness.
***** be aware of the limited buoyancy....mine will keep your nose about water, ( 185 lbs) but not much else. Neutral buoyancy perhaps.
They are NOT intended to keep an unconscious person's head out of the water like a big 2-cell airline vest will. Try one, blow it up with the mouth-pipe, and float around in the pool so you know what to expect!

are you heading overwater? ( obviously). some good thoughts on this topic, and even an online mini-course at


Bryan is a great guy, and I have no connection with him; he has a list of people who have survived ditching because they took his courses!
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