Don Jones

Well Known Member
It is amazing to me how building an airplane in your garage can affect every aspect of your life. Struggling through the tough times during the build. Feeling sometimes like you want to run from the garage screaming. But most importantly the extreme satisfaction you feel when your project takes to the air for the first time, as well as the feelings you have as your creation takes you on many excellent adventures. My build also had other effects I didn?t realize at the time that would cause changes in life beyond what I could imagine. Little did I know that when selecting the many components for my panel that one choice would create such a life changing opportunity. I chose to put Dynon SkyViews in my panel. A short 5 years later I interviewed for a job with Dynon and was hired as the Technical Support Manager. So back in October I loaded up the wife and dogs and made the move from New Mexico to Washington (which is a challenge in itself). I have been tasked with bringing Dynon?s already excellent support department to the next level and I look forward to the challenges the future brings.
So, in Rosey?s words, ?keep pounding those rivets because it is worth it?. Just don?t be surprised what changes in life it might bring.
Don't forget to get plenty of the local suntan lotion, your NM stuff won't work in WA :D


We're excited to have Don on board. All three of our tech support staff are now pilots and mechanics. Don built his RV and owned an auto repair shop for twenty-five years, and both Garrett and Rick are A&Ps.

President, Dynon Avionics