
Active Member
Let's help Rotax fix the voltage regulator

Many of us have had multiple failures, some have tried alternative devices. This thread is about trying to get the attention of Rotax. I don't want to open a discussion about the failure cause or start a poll. I think we can all agree that there is problem and leave it at that.
The first step is to make Rotax aware. The ASTM standards give us a tool that will just that. There is a section in the standard that requires a manufacturer to address an issue based on a matrix of severity, number of occurrences, interval and fleet size. The only source for this data is from the official Rotax feedback form. Venting on VAF, to a Rotax supplier, or filling out a warranty form doesn't count. The feedback form is available on line, but its buried deep in the website.

The RV12 fleet is about 500 now, most of us have had a least one failure. If you haven't had a failure, great then this thread doesn't apply to you...yet.. If you have had a failure go to

And complete the form. You will need your engine serial number and TT. Please complete one form for each failure. It doesn't matter how long ago it failed. Even if you have moved on to an alternative regulator let Rotax know about the one that failed.

Will this help, I don't know, but I expect a hundred or so reports may get their attention.

As a side note, if you have the regular installed in the cockpit and have had a failure, let Van's too know by completing a Vans feedback form.

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it appears to be working

Now I have to go to hangar and get s.n. from old regulator. I am definitely going to send information. This is a pretty simple device. It can be made to last longer than 60hrs.
Great idea

Great idea Mike and not only for the regulator. I mentioned in an earlier thread a failure of a bracket under the ignition module. It turned out that I was not alone and, worse, as the bracket is not easily visible, some people only found they had the same problem after a careful inspection following my tip. With the number of 912 engines operating in RV-12s we will no doubt find more defects that are worth documenting beyond Van's or VAF Forum. We also need a way to avoid threads like this one to get buried after a while so that new comers can find them more easily. For example, this procedure could be added by VANs to the RV-12 maintenance manual.