
Well Known Member
We all live by the seat of our aviator britches, so to speak, and there is an old unwritten crede, when something bad happens, get in an airplane and go fly as soon as possible.

Well, I did just that today. The Subaru engine snorted through 3 take offs and landings out of our grass strip - the engine appears to be is as rock solid as always. It gives you that feeling - let 'er rip - this is where I belong. The low end performance of the H6 and MT is not shabby.

But that being said, I sure hope we find out what happened last Friday morning in Greenville, PA. Let me restate that, we know what happened, we need to know what caused it.
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I totally agree David, my plane isn't in the air yet, so I did the next best thing and spent Saturday afternoon working on it. Hopefully, we'll soon know the cause of Friday's tragedy. Dan's family have been in my prayers.
I flew Friday afternoon delivering a C152 to it's new owner. That whole flight, I silently dedicated it to a man I never had the pleasure to meet, but did exchange emails with him several times. It was a beautiful afternoon, and I couldn't help but think of Dan.
