
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Many of you are aware that Airventure is going to be celebrating the 50th anniversary of Van’s Aircraft big-time on Monday, culminating in a two-hour session at Theater in the Woods (starting at 7:00 pm - plenty of time for the Beer Bust and the show!). As part of that event, they want to have a background slide show of RV pictures - flying planes, planes on the ground, building pictures, and pictures of “RV-ers”. So this is your chance to see your picture up on the big screen at theater in the woods!!

So scroll through your build and flying pictures and send a couple (or a hundred!) to “[email protected]” (not me, not here on VAF, not as a PM - a real email with attachments to Chris Henry….) as soon as you can! Let’s crash the EAA mail server if we can!

And then - come to Theater in the Woods and listen to stories from Van, Rian, Greg, and some flyers/builders. It should be a great evening.
